Scripture Mastery for this Week

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Feast for 5 February through 5 February 2016

* 2 Kings 14-17
14:1-3          Jehoahaz was evil.
14:23-24      Amaziah was evil.
15:1, 3         Azariah was good.
15:8-9         Azariah was evil.
15:17-18     Gad was evil.
15:27-28     Pekah was evil.
15:32-34 Remaliah was good.

We shouldn't do things necessarily to please for something.

Chapter 16
When they did wrong it stuck more so than when they did good.

* 2 Kings 18-20
We had a dialogue between several people - Rab-shakeh, Eliakim, Shebna, Joah, Isaiah, and Hezekiah.

A little background on Eliakim, Rab-shakeh, and Isaiah the prophet . . .

Eliakim- His name means 'God raiseth up.' He is the son of Hilkiah and master of Hezekiah's household . He is representing Hezekiah. HIs name is the original name of Jehoikim, King of Judah.

Rob-shakeh - His name means' chief of the princes,' the name given to the chief cup-bearer or the vizier of the Assyrian court. He is one of Sennacherib's messengers to Hezekiah. He and other envoys returned to three master and reported that Hezekiah and his people were obdurate, and would not submit.

Isaiah - His name means 'The Lord is salvation.' He was a prophet in Jerusalem for 40 yeas. He had great religious and political influence during the reign of Hezekiah, whose chief advisor he was. Tradition states that he was "sawn asunder" during th reign of Manasseh; for that reason he is often represented in art holding a saw.
He is the most quoted of all the prophets. He is more frequently quoted by Jesus, Paul, peter, John, the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, than any other Old Testament prophet. The Lord told the Nephites, "great are the words of Isaiah," and "that all things Isaiah prophesied regarding the House of Israel and the Gentiles would be fulfilled."
His writings deal with events of his day and our day. Some things have already happened and some need to happen. The bulk of his prophesies deal with the coming of the Redeemer - both His first appearance when He was born, and at His second coming as the great King at the last day.
A major difficulty in understanding his book is his extensive use of symbolism  and his prophetic foresight and literary style. These take many local themes and they extend to latter-day fulfillment or application. Some prophecies are probably fulfilled more than one time and have more than one application.
A reader today has no greater written commentary and guide to understanding him than the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. As you understand  these works better you will understand him.

We learn that Hezekiah reigned righteously in Jerusalem for 29 years beginning at the age of 25.

* 2 Kings 21-25
Are we good influences on others?

Manasseh, Hezekiah's son, was evil. The people hearkened not to do good. Manasseh seduced the people.

 GEM - Don't be bad. Our choices effect those around us.

The Lord will destroy the bad people in Jerusalem.
Josiah 8 when he became king and reigned 31 years. He was good. He died in battle.

* 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles
1 Chronicles recounts the genealogy in Chronological order, from Adam to the Babylonian Captivity.
2 Chronicles provides history of events form ing Solomon till king Cyrus of Persia allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem.
We learn which kingdom each of the 25 books that follow 1st and 2nd Chronicles go under.

1 Chronicles 2-8
Jacob's sons' lineage.

1 Chronicles 16:7
David  wrote a Psalm to the Lord.

1 Chronicles 16:8-12
Psalm > under United Kingdom of Israel
Proverbs > under United kingdom of Israel

2 Chronicles 1:7-12
Job, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon > under United Kingdom of Israel

Ten Tribes > under Northern Kingdom
Tribes of Judah and Benjamin . under Southern Kingdom

Amos, Jonah, and Hosea > under Northern Kingdom
Joel, Isaiah, and Micah > under Southern Kingdom

Northern Kingdom > under the Captivity in Assyria

GEM - Because of the Lord's compassion for us. He sends prophets to warn us of the consequences of sin

2 Chronicles 36:14-15
Nahum, Zephaniah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Obadiah, and Habakkuk > Southern Kingdom
Southern Kingdom > Captivity in Babylon

2 Chronicles 36:16-20
Lehi > next to Jeremiah > under The Americas

2 Chronicles 36:22-23
Daniel and Ezekiel > Captivity in Babylon
from Captivity in Babylon they go back to Southern Kingdom
Haggai and Zechariah > Southern Kingdom
Esther > Captivity in Babylon
Ezra and  Nehemiah > Southern Kingdom
Malachi > Southern Kingdom

GEM - hose who reject the words of the Prohets will eventually experience the judgements of God.

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