Scripture Mastery for this Week

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Feast 16 February through 19 February 2016

* Job
The Book of Job narrates the afflictions that came to a righteous man and discusses the moral problems such sufferings present. It doesn't entirely answer the question as to why Job or anyone might suffer the loss of his/her goods. It is clear that affliction doesn't mean a person has sinned. It suggests that affliction may be for experience, discipline and/or instruction, and not for punishment. Job's assurance that the resurrection and his testimony of the Redeemer are one of the hight points of the book. It was essential for Job to have a correct knowledge of God, and know that his life course was acceptable to God. We see his unfailing faith in his statement, "Though He slaps me, 'yet I will trust Him."
Job was a wealthy man, but when he lost everything - instead of cursing God h tore his clothes, shaves his head, and  worshipped.

We watched the Bible stories video of Job.
Here are the highlights of Job . . .
Job 1
Word or phrase that describes Job - perfect (faith) and upright. He feared ad avoided evil. Satan said if God removed the protection around Job - Job would curse God. God gave Satan reign to do whatever h wanted to Job except harming Job.

Job 2
Job curses that day he was born. His wife encourages him to "curse God and die." His friends - Eliphaz (Tamanite), Bildad (Shuhite), and Zophar (Naamathite), came to mourn with Job and comfort him 7 days and 7 nights.

GEM - We can choose to have with in God even in the midst of our trials

Job 8-13
Eliphaz: you must have sinned.
Bildad: you must have done something wrong, God helps the good.
Zohar: you say you're good but God sees to be punishing you for something. Did you sin? He is confused about the trials. Job will always trust God.

GEM - Trials and difficulties come to the righteous as well as the wicked,  and we may not know why - we must continue to trust the Lord

Job 17-19
Job thinks he is getting ready to die when he is cursed with boils. He asks how much longer? He says, "my friends are grossed out to look at me." "After my skin the worms destroy this body - in the grave"

GEM - Because of Jesus' resurrection we will be resurrected and this knowledge can give us hope during our trials

Job 23
If we turn to the Lord in our afflictions, then . . . He strengthens us.
Our trials can . . . refine us.
Our trials can  . . . soften our heart.

GEM - If we turn to the Lord during trials, then He will strengthen us, refine and purify us, and help soften our hearts

Job 38
V.3 - The Lord asked Job to answer Him. To consider where he was during the creation of the earth and who created the earth. Who were the "sons of God?" The council in Heaven. Job acknowledged that God knows all things and is all powerful; that he had heard of Him but now could see Him. Job was greatly blessed with more than he had before, including 10 ore children.

GEM - We lived with Heavenly Father before birth and rejoiced for His plan of happiness
             Remaining faithful during our trials will help Heavenly Father bless us according to His           

** Psalms [Part 1 - (1, 9, 22:7-8, 16, 18; 31:5; 34:20; 69:21); 23)]
Psalms at the top of the page simply means a group of songs or poems.
Psalm and the beginning of each chapter means the individual poem or song.
Selah - (1) an ancient capital of Edomites. Afterwards known as Petra. (2) A musical term that occurs 71 times in the book of Psalms.
Rod - a shepherd's Rod was a club approximately 3 ft. Long with a knob on one end and was used to beet away wolves.
Staff - sometimes a rod, is longer and was used for walking, resting, or for guiding the sheep
Shepherd's Crook - not only does th Shepherd's crook serve as a walking stick, but it may also serve a significant function because it is normally wide enough to fit around the neck of a sheep or goat, allowing a herder to catch a animal that is trying and reroute them in a different direction.
Reading and pondering Psalms can bring you closer to God and help you feel His love

Psalm 1
Blessed is the and that delights in the law of the Lord.

Psalm 9
Will praise the Lord with his whole heart and rejoice. Those that know God's name and trust Him will not be stranded by God. The Lord will strengthen us.

Psalm 22:1, 7-8, 16, 18;  31:5;  34:20;  69:21 (the events leading up to the Crucifixion of Christ. We watched the video of the Crucifixion from Bible videos)
What are your feelings about the video? Keep in mind that although tradition was that the legs were broken to insure the prisoner was dead, Jesus' legs were not broken because He was the Lamb without blemish.

GEM - Prophesies of Jesus Christ's suffering and death were given before He was born and have been fulfilled.

Psalm 23 -  The Lord is My Shepherd
1-4 Teaches how the lord can help us when we experience difficulties. This is widely regarded as one of the most beloved scripture passages in the Bible. It is a poem with vivid images and symbols. The Lord if compared to a Shepherd. He taketh me to lie down in green pastures, leadeth me beside still waters, restoreth my soul, leadeth me in path of righteousness.
5-6  Jesus changes from shepherd to host as He "prepares a table before me" "anointed my head with oil" "my cup runneth over"

GEM - If we trust in the Lord, He will lead and care for us

* Esther
Becomes queen and pleads for the Jews to be protected basically.

* Psalms 24, 33, 51

Psalm 24
Be worthy to go to the temple. Pure heart means good intentions as well.
Elder Bednar: "The atonement provides cleansing and redeeming"

The natural man is an enemy of God. Natural man is the lustful side ion man.

Palm 33
Love of God and the creation of earth.

Psalm 51
Good - David became king, played the harp, killed the Goliath,was a shepherd.
Bad -  murdered Bathsheba's husband by sending him to the front lines during war. Laid with Bathsheba after lusting for her.
We will be in our prime in the spirit world.

 A broken heart and a contrite spirit is the ultimate repentance.

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