Scripture Mastery for this Week

Friday, February 12, 2016

Feast 8 February through 12 February

Is it possible for the Lord to inspire someone who is to a member of the church to accomplish His purposes?
Ezra -is an account of two groups of jews returning from Babylon to Jerucalsm. It's important not to repeat sins of previews generations. Ezra is written as a 1st person memoir. Scholar believe same person wrote 1st & 2nd Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah. Most notable accounts is the completion of temple rebuilding.

* Ezra 1-6
The word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled. What does "the lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus" mean? Cyrus has his men bring river, gold, goods and beasts, and vessels of the house of the Lord to put in the house of his gods.

GEM - The Lord can inspire people, regardless of heir religious background, to accomplish His purposes.

Contains a list of about 50,000 Jewish people  who were 1st returning to Jerusalem . Zerubbabel directed the Jews to 1st rebuild the altar of th e temple then rebuild the rest of the temple many of them contributed time and resources to reconstructing the temple. The builders laid the foundation. The priests had their trumpets. The sons of Asaph had seen the first temple wept with a loud voice and many shouted for joy. The rise was heard far away.

When the Jews returned to Jerusalem. The Samaritans lived nearby and their religion was a mixture of Jewish and Pagan beliefs. (Samaritans are described as 'adversaries of Judah and Benjamin). They wanted to build with the Jews. They didn't want the Samaritan's help. The Samaritan  decided to discourage the people of Judah. The Samaritans tried everything they could to oppose the Jews' efforts. because of their, reconstruction of the temple halted for several years and some Jews lost interest in rebuilding the temple.

Why did the Jews resumed building the temple? Haggai and Zechariah both prophesied that the temple would be rebuilt.
"The eye of their God was upon the elder's of the Jews." Tatnai, the Governor there wrote a letter to king Darius. Darius was not happy. Apparently Cyrus had made s decree for the temple to be rebuilt. Darius ordered cry's record searched for. The decree was found.

GEM - God watches over and helps those who seek to obey Him.

Darius told them to give the men whatever they needed complete the temple. Anyone who went against this- their house was torn apart and they were hennaed. They finished the temple and dedicated it for use. The Jews offered generous sacrifices as part of the dedication of the temple. They celebrated the Passover. God strengthened them n building the temple.

GEM - By following th prophets, we can overcome opposition and prosper in our efforts to obey the Lord.

* Ezra 7-10
Ezra is given treasure because he was qualified to lead (He was a scribe) Tribe of Levi cared for temple. Ezra had the Lord's power.

GEM - As we try our best to follow the Lord we will be blessed.

They fated and rayed before leaving on their journey. In Jerusalem the people had married outside the covenant.

** Always be worthy to enter the temple.

* Nehemiah
>  A cupbearer  was responsible for making sure no one was able to harm a person through his drink.
The name Nehemiah means 'Comfort of the Lord' Nehemiah was a Jew, either a Levite or of Judah. He held he office of "cupbearer" at the court of Artaxerxes. He was a royal commission authorizing him to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. The Book of Nehemiah is a continuation of Ezra. The Jews regarded these two books as one The contain an account of the progress and difficulties of the work and its final completion. It is divided into four parts. (1) Nehemiah's first visit to Jerusalem and his rebuilding walls, (2) religious and social reforms, (3) lists of names and an account of the dedication of thrall, (4) his second visit after 12 years absence and his further reforms.

Nehemiah learned that the Jews in Jerusalem had great affliction and reproach. The wall was broken down and gates were burned. He sat down, wept, mourned, fasted and prayed. Later Nehemiah offers prayer for the Jews in Jerusalem as well as for Artaxerxes.

The King noticed that Nehemiah wasn't sick but his countenance was sad. The King asked Nehemiah how long he would be gone/ When would he return? Nehemiah asked the King to write letters to the Persian provinces' Governors for them to let Nehemiah go through their lands and provide him with supplies to reeled the calls and gated of the city. Nehemiah annojuced that the people would build up the wall. The people said let us rise. Sanbalilat, Geshem, Tobiah laughed them to scour and despised them.

The Jews had finished the wall because the people had a mind to work.

Nehemiah as inspired to trace the genealogy of the Israelites. If men could not provide records proving they were of the tribe of Levi denied the priesthood. Look for blessings the Jews praised God.

After the Israelites understood th scriptures, they covenanted not to marry outside of Israel and to keep the Sabbath day holy. After the people determined who would live in Jerusalem and who would not the walls of Jerusalem were dedicated. While Nehemiah was away fro Jerusalem for several years, many Jews struggled to keep their covenants. He returned to ep them remove evil influences and reinstate Sabbath observance.

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