Scripture Mastery for this Week

Friday, February 26, 2016

Feast for 22 February through 26 February 2016

* Psalm 119, 127, 140, 144, 141, 143, 144, 145 Psalm 119 There are 8 verses for each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Precepts are commandments or teachings.Synonymous for God's words:testimonies, statues, last or ordinances, ways. Quiver- holds arrows for an archer. In this psalm: Blessed means happy. Undefiled means we are free of sin. The word is hidden in his heart. He will meditate and eight in the statutes, not forgetting. Symbolic expressions are riches, gold , sliver, and fine gold; Counsellor; path of commandment; statutes are songs; sweeter than honey; lamp unto my feet. GEM - As we study the word of God, we ca receive guidance for our lives Psalm 127 Vanity can cause us to be up late and was to sleep sleep sleep - it is synonymous with selfishness. Children are like arrows in a quiver for an archer. GEM - Children are gifts from God and can bring great peace Psalm 140 David asks for deliverance, to be preserved, and kept. GEM - As we pray with sincerity and truth, H will be near us Psalm 141 He doesn't want to e inclined to do evil. Psalm 142 He wants the Lord to be his refuge, to attend and deliver him, and to bring his soul out of prison. GEM - If we love God, He will spiritual preserve us Psalm 143 "Cause him to hear;" "Cause hims to know;" "Deiver him" Psalm 144 He doesn't want to be around children whoa re vain or lie. Psalm 145 The Lord is with those wo pray to Him. He preserves the good and destroys the wicked. * For our Flex Day we played Bible Apples to Apples * Proverbs 1-9 Many brief but wise statements on how to live a good life are in Proverbs. Some are attributed to Solomon. He was considered an author of many of the proverbs. think of Proverbs as a library of the wisdom of the Israelites. Some of the are deeply spiritual, but some don't rise above worldly wisdom. Many of them come from oral traditions that existed before Solomon''s time. Proverbs 1:1-4 Purpose of proverbs is to provide wisdom, instruction and understanding. Fear or reverence for the Lord is beginning of knowledge. President David O. McKay "Reverence is profound respect mingled with love . . . . [One writer] says it is 'the highest of human feelings' . . . . "Reverence embraces regard, deference, honor, and esteem" Proverbs 1:7 It is possible to have knowledge with out wisdom because Knowledge is something we gain and Wisdom is how we use the knowledge. GEM - Reverence for the Lord and His teachings will cause us to gain knowledge and wisdom President David O. McKay "Gaining knowledge is one thing, and applying it [is] quite another. Wisdom is the right application of knowledge, and true education - the education for which the Church stands - is the application of knowledge to the development of a noble and Godlike character" GEM - It we seek wisdom, then we can avoid sin and enjoy happiness and peace Proverbs 3:5-7 We should rust the Lord will all our heart. Elder Richard G. Scott "Our Father in Heaven has invited you to express your needs, hopes, and desires unto Him. That should not be done in a spirit of negotiation, but rather as a willingness to obey His will no matter what direction that takes. His invitation, 'Ask, and ye shall receive' does not assure that you will get what you want. It does guarantee that if worthy, you will get what you need, as judges by a Father that loves you perfectly, who wants your eternal happiness even more than do you" GEM - If we trust in the lord with all our heart, then He will direct our paths Proverbs 6:16-19 The six things the Lord hates . . . a proud look, a lying tongue, shedding innocent blood, wished heart, swift to do mischief, soweth discord. * Proverbs 10-31 the class gave ultra mini lessons: ESTUARDO 11:17 Doing good gives peace. 11:19 Pursue righteousness. The W.O.W. will keep us healthy. Follow the Lord and don't be prideful. HAILEY 12:22 Don't lie. 28:13 Sinning causeth not to prosper. NATHAN 17:17-22 Dn't search for fights. Negativity can such the life out of us. 23:7 As we think, that is how we are. EMILY 13:7, 20 All riches don;t necessarily make us rich. 29:18 If we deep the commandments we can be happy. MASON 18:10-12 Lord is always there for us. 24:1-2 Don't be envious. MELANY 20:1 Winde is bad. RAE LYNN 22:6 Train up s child to do what's right. 30:5 Word of God is pure. Trust God. CINDY 10:4 A person can be poor because of hard work and laziness. 25:21-22 Be kind to enemies and be blessed. SABRINA 15:26 Thoughts of doing wicked are begins of doing wicked things. 21:25 Work is important. 27:1-2 We don't know what tomorrow will bring. Wisdom is more valuable than riches - family, Lord, love. Proverbs 31:10 A virtuous woman. Clean thoughts. Emily - "the Lord is always listening and watching." President Packer - "Your mind is like a stage win a theatre." * Ecclesiastes; Song of Solomon Ecclsisates is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Koheleth, which means preacher. It contains reflections on some of the deepest problems in life. The author describes himself as "son of David, King of Jerusalem." It seems to permeate with pessimistic flavr but must be read in light of it's "worldly point of view" Vanity in this book means "transitory" or fleeting." Everything is temporary - nothing is permanent. The most spiritual part of this book is chapter 11 and 12. 1:1-3 In life everything is temporary. 1:8 We never have enough of anything. "All is vanity" and "under the sun" = everything is empty, temporary or meaningless using mortality. 2:1-3 The preacher pursued amusement, pleasure and laughter through drinking. 2:11 HIs works were in vain - to no avail. 3:1-8 To everything there is a season. 11:9-10 Be careful of your choices. walk away from sin. 12:1-7 Everyone dies and will decay and return to the earth. Death quote: "Death does not change our personality or our desires for good or evil. Those who chose to obey God in this life live in state of happiness, peace, and rest from troubles and care. Those who chose not to obey in this life and did not repent live in state of unhappiness. In the spirit world the gosple is preached to those who did not obey the gospel or did not have the opportunity to hear it while on the earth. We remain in he spirit world until we are resurrected. GEM - Although we experience physical death, our spirits continue to live and will return to God Song of Solomon Joseph Smith Translation: It is uninspired. Elder Bruce R. McConkie said of Song of Solomon: "It is Biblical Trash"

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Feast 16 February through 19 February 2016

* Job
The Book of Job narrates the afflictions that came to a righteous man and discusses the moral problems such sufferings present. It doesn't entirely answer the question as to why Job or anyone might suffer the loss of his/her goods. It is clear that affliction doesn't mean a person has sinned. It suggests that affliction may be for experience, discipline and/or instruction, and not for punishment. Job's assurance that the resurrection and his testimony of the Redeemer are one of the hight points of the book. It was essential for Job to have a correct knowledge of God, and know that his life course was acceptable to God. We see his unfailing faith in his statement, "Though He slaps me, 'yet I will trust Him."
Job was a wealthy man, but when he lost everything - instead of cursing God h tore his clothes, shaves his head, and  worshipped.

We watched the Bible stories video of Job.
Here are the highlights of Job . . .
Job 1
Word or phrase that describes Job - perfect (faith) and upright. He feared ad avoided evil. Satan said if God removed the protection around Job - Job would curse God. God gave Satan reign to do whatever h wanted to Job except harming Job.

Job 2
Job curses that day he was born. His wife encourages him to "curse God and die." His friends - Eliphaz (Tamanite), Bildad (Shuhite), and Zophar (Naamathite), came to mourn with Job and comfort him 7 days and 7 nights.

GEM - We can choose to have with in God even in the midst of our trials

Job 8-13
Eliphaz: you must have sinned.
Bildad: you must have done something wrong, God helps the good.
Zohar: you say you're good but God sees to be punishing you for something. Did you sin? He is confused about the trials. Job will always trust God.

GEM - Trials and difficulties come to the righteous as well as the wicked,  and we may not know why - we must continue to trust the Lord

Job 17-19
Job thinks he is getting ready to die when he is cursed with boils. He asks how much longer? He says, "my friends are grossed out to look at me." "After my skin the worms destroy this body - in the grave"

GEM - Because of Jesus' resurrection we will be resurrected and this knowledge can give us hope during our trials

Job 23
If we turn to the Lord in our afflictions, then . . . He strengthens us.
Our trials can . . . refine us.
Our trials can  . . . soften our heart.

GEM - If we turn to the Lord during trials, then He will strengthen us, refine and purify us, and help soften our hearts

Job 38
V.3 - The Lord asked Job to answer Him. To consider where he was during the creation of the earth and who created the earth. Who were the "sons of God?" The council in Heaven. Job acknowledged that God knows all things and is all powerful; that he had heard of Him but now could see Him. Job was greatly blessed with more than he had before, including 10 ore children.

GEM - We lived with Heavenly Father before birth and rejoiced for His plan of happiness
             Remaining faithful during our trials will help Heavenly Father bless us according to His           

** Psalms [Part 1 - (1, 9, 22:7-8, 16, 18; 31:5; 34:20; 69:21); 23)]
Psalms at the top of the page simply means a group of songs or poems.
Psalm and the beginning of each chapter means the individual poem or song.
Selah - (1) an ancient capital of Edomites. Afterwards known as Petra. (2) A musical term that occurs 71 times in the book of Psalms.
Rod - a shepherd's Rod was a club approximately 3 ft. Long with a knob on one end and was used to beet away wolves.
Staff - sometimes a rod, is longer and was used for walking, resting, or for guiding the sheep
Shepherd's Crook - not only does th Shepherd's crook serve as a walking stick, but it may also serve a significant function because it is normally wide enough to fit around the neck of a sheep or goat, allowing a herder to catch a animal that is trying and reroute them in a different direction.
Reading and pondering Psalms can bring you closer to God and help you feel His love

Psalm 1
Blessed is the and that delights in the law of the Lord.

Psalm 9
Will praise the Lord with his whole heart and rejoice. Those that know God's name and trust Him will not be stranded by God. The Lord will strengthen us.

Psalm 22:1, 7-8, 16, 18;  31:5;  34:20;  69:21 (the events leading up to the Crucifixion of Christ. We watched the video of the Crucifixion from Bible videos)
What are your feelings about the video? Keep in mind that although tradition was that the legs were broken to insure the prisoner was dead, Jesus' legs were not broken because He was the Lamb without blemish.

GEM - Prophesies of Jesus Christ's suffering and death were given before He was born and have been fulfilled.

Psalm 23 -  The Lord is My Shepherd
1-4 Teaches how the lord can help us when we experience difficulties. This is widely regarded as one of the most beloved scripture passages in the Bible. It is a poem with vivid images and symbols. The Lord if compared to a Shepherd. He taketh me to lie down in green pastures, leadeth me beside still waters, restoreth my soul, leadeth me in path of righteousness.
5-6  Jesus changes from shepherd to host as He "prepares a table before me" "anointed my head with oil" "my cup runneth over"

GEM - If we trust in the Lord, He will lead and care for us

* Esther
Becomes queen and pleads for the Jews to be protected basically.

* Psalms 24, 33, 51

Psalm 24
Be worthy to go to the temple. Pure heart means good intentions as well.
Elder Bednar: "The atonement provides cleansing and redeeming"

The natural man is an enemy of God. Natural man is the lustful side ion man.

Palm 33
Love of God and the creation of earth.

Psalm 51
Good - David became king, played the harp, killed the Goliath,was a shepherd.
Bad -  murdered Bathsheba's husband by sending him to the front lines during war. Laid with Bathsheba after lusting for her.
We will be in our prime in the spirit world.

 A broken heart and a contrite spirit is the ultimate repentance.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Feast 8 February through 12 February

Is it possible for the Lord to inspire someone who is to a member of the church to accomplish His purposes?
Ezra -is an account of two groups of jews returning from Babylon to Jerucalsm. It's important not to repeat sins of previews generations. Ezra is written as a 1st person memoir. Scholar believe same person wrote 1st & 2nd Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah. Most notable accounts is the completion of temple rebuilding.

* Ezra 1-6
The word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled. What does "the lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus" mean? Cyrus has his men bring river, gold, goods and beasts, and vessels of the house of the Lord to put in the house of his gods.

GEM - The Lord can inspire people, regardless of heir religious background, to accomplish His purposes.

Contains a list of about 50,000 Jewish people  who were 1st returning to Jerusalem . Zerubbabel directed the Jews to 1st rebuild the altar of th e temple then rebuild the rest of the temple many of them contributed time and resources to reconstructing the temple. The builders laid the foundation. The priests had their trumpets. The sons of Asaph had seen the first temple wept with a loud voice and many shouted for joy. The rise was heard far away.

When the Jews returned to Jerusalem. The Samaritans lived nearby and their religion was a mixture of Jewish and Pagan beliefs. (Samaritans are described as 'adversaries of Judah and Benjamin). They wanted to build with the Jews. They didn't want the Samaritan's help. The Samaritan  decided to discourage the people of Judah. The Samaritans tried everything they could to oppose the Jews' efforts. because of their, reconstruction of the temple halted for several years and some Jews lost interest in rebuilding the temple.

Why did the Jews resumed building the temple? Haggai and Zechariah both prophesied that the temple would be rebuilt.
"The eye of their God was upon the elder's of the Jews." Tatnai, the Governor there wrote a letter to king Darius. Darius was not happy. Apparently Cyrus had made s decree for the temple to be rebuilt. Darius ordered cry's record searched for. The decree was found.

GEM - God watches over and helps those who seek to obey Him.

Darius told them to give the men whatever they needed complete the temple. Anyone who went against this- their house was torn apart and they were hennaed. They finished the temple and dedicated it for use. The Jews offered generous sacrifices as part of the dedication of the temple. They celebrated the Passover. God strengthened them n building the temple.

GEM - By following th prophets, we can overcome opposition and prosper in our efforts to obey the Lord.

* Ezra 7-10
Ezra is given treasure because he was qualified to lead (He was a scribe) Tribe of Levi cared for temple. Ezra had the Lord's power.

GEM - As we try our best to follow the Lord we will be blessed.

They fated and rayed before leaving on their journey. In Jerusalem the people had married outside the covenant.

** Always be worthy to enter the temple.

* Nehemiah
>  A cupbearer  was responsible for making sure no one was able to harm a person through his drink.
The name Nehemiah means 'Comfort of the Lord' Nehemiah was a Jew, either a Levite or of Judah. He held he office of "cupbearer" at the court of Artaxerxes. He was a royal commission authorizing him to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. The Book of Nehemiah is a continuation of Ezra. The Jews regarded these two books as one The contain an account of the progress and difficulties of the work and its final completion. It is divided into four parts. (1) Nehemiah's first visit to Jerusalem and his rebuilding walls, (2) religious and social reforms, (3) lists of names and an account of the dedication of thrall, (4) his second visit after 12 years absence and his further reforms.

Nehemiah learned that the Jews in Jerusalem had great affliction and reproach. The wall was broken down and gates were burned. He sat down, wept, mourned, fasted and prayed. Later Nehemiah offers prayer for the Jews in Jerusalem as well as for Artaxerxes.

The King noticed that Nehemiah wasn't sick but his countenance was sad. The King asked Nehemiah how long he would be gone/ When would he return? Nehemiah asked the King to write letters to the Persian provinces' Governors for them to let Nehemiah go through their lands and provide him with supplies to reeled the calls and gated of the city. Nehemiah annojuced that the people would build up the wall. The people said let us rise. Sanbalilat, Geshem, Tobiah laughed them to scour and despised them.

The Jews had finished the wall because the people had a mind to work.

Nehemiah as inspired to trace the genealogy of the Israelites. If men could not provide records proving they were of the tribe of Levi denied the priesthood. Look for blessings the Jews praised God.

After the Israelites understood th scriptures, they covenanted not to marry outside of Israel and to keep the Sabbath day holy. After the people determined who would live in Jerusalem and who would not the walls of Jerusalem were dedicated. While Nehemiah was away fro Jerusalem for several years, many Jews struggled to keep their covenants. He returned to ep them remove evil influences and reinstate Sabbath observance.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Feast for 5 February through 5 February 2016

* 2 Kings 14-17
14:1-3          Jehoahaz was evil.
14:23-24      Amaziah was evil.
15:1, 3         Azariah was good.
15:8-9         Azariah was evil.
15:17-18     Gad was evil.
15:27-28     Pekah was evil.
15:32-34 Remaliah was good.

We shouldn't do things necessarily to please for something.

Chapter 16
When they did wrong it stuck more so than when they did good.

* 2 Kings 18-20
We had a dialogue between several people - Rab-shakeh, Eliakim, Shebna, Joah, Isaiah, and Hezekiah.

A little background on Eliakim, Rab-shakeh, and Isaiah the prophet . . .

Eliakim- His name means 'God raiseth up.' He is the son of Hilkiah and master of Hezekiah's household . He is representing Hezekiah. HIs name is the original name of Jehoikim, King of Judah.

Rob-shakeh - His name means' chief of the princes,' the name given to the chief cup-bearer or the vizier of the Assyrian court. He is one of Sennacherib's messengers to Hezekiah. He and other envoys returned to three master and reported that Hezekiah and his people were obdurate, and would not submit.

Isaiah - His name means 'The Lord is salvation.' He was a prophet in Jerusalem for 40 yeas. He had great religious and political influence during the reign of Hezekiah, whose chief advisor he was. Tradition states that he was "sawn asunder" during th reign of Manasseh; for that reason he is often represented in art holding a saw.
He is the most quoted of all the prophets. He is more frequently quoted by Jesus, Paul, peter, John, the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, than any other Old Testament prophet. The Lord told the Nephites, "great are the words of Isaiah," and "that all things Isaiah prophesied regarding the House of Israel and the Gentiles would be fulfilled."
His writings deal with events of his day and our day. Some things have already happened and some need to happen. The bulk of his prophesies deal with the coming of the Redeemer - both His first appearance when He was born, and at His second coming as the great King at the last day.
A major difficulty in understanding his book is his extensive use of symbolism  and his prophetic foresight and literary style. These take many local themes and they extend to latter-day fulfillment or application. Some prophecies are probably fulfilled more than one time and have more than one application.
A reader today has no greater written commentary and guide to understanding him than the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. As you understand  these works better you will understand him.

We learn that Hezekiah reigned righteously in Jerusalem for 29 years beginning at the age of 25.

* 2 Kings 21-25
Are we good influences on others?

Manasseh, Hezekiah's son, was evil. The people hearkened not to do good. Manasseh seduced the people.

 GEM - Don't be bad. Our choices effect those around us.

The Lord will destroy the bad people in Jerusalem.
Josiah 8 when he became king and reigned 31 years. He was good. He died in battle.

* 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles
1 Chronicles recounts the genealogy in Chronological order, from Adam to the Babylonian Captivity.
2 Chronicles provides history of events form ing Solomon till king Cyrus of Persia allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem.
We learn which kingdom each of the 25 books that follow 1st and 2nd Chronicles go under.

1 Chronicles 2-8
Jacob's sons' lineage.

1 Chronicles 16:7
David  wrote a Psalm to the Lord.

1 Chronicles 16:8-12
Psalm > under United Kingdom of Israel
Proverbs > under United kingdom of Israel

2 Chronicles 1:7-12
Job, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon > under United Kingdom of Israel

Ten Tribes > under Northern Kingdom
Tribes of Judah and Benjamin . under Southern Kingdom

Amos, Jonah, and Hosea > under Northern Kingdom
Joel, Isaiah, and Micah > under Southern Kingdom

Northern Kingdom > under the Captivity in Assyria

GEM - Because of the Lord's compassion for us. He sends prophets to warn us of the consequences of sin

2 Chronicles 36:14-15
Nahum, Zephaniah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Obadiah, and Habakkuk > Southern Kingdom
Southern Kingdom > Captivity in Babylon

2 Chronicles 36:16-20
Lehi > next to Jeremiah > under The Americas

2 Chronicles 36:22-23
Daniel and Ezekiel > Captivity in Babylon
from Captivity in Babylon they go back to Southern Kingdom
Haggai and Zechariah > Southern Kingdom
Esther > Captivity in Babylon
Ezra and  Nehemiah > Southern Kingdom
Malachi > Southern Kingdom

GEM - hose who reject the words of the Prohets will eventually experience the judgements of God.