Scripture Mastery for this Week

Friday, January 8, 2016

Feast 6 January through 8 January 2016

* 1 Samuel 1-2   (Adversity)
Elkanah had two wives - Hannah and Peninah.
Hannah's womb was shut up so she couldn't have children. This saddened her greatly. She petitioned the Lord for a child - specifically a man child and promised the Lord that she would give the child to Him and that his head would never see a razor. The Lord eventually answered her prayer and sent Samuel to her. There was rejoicing over the event. Hannah kept her word to the Lord and when Samuel was old enough Hannah took him to the temple and gave him the priest Eli.
     Sabrina said this means to her that "If you pray you'll be ok."
Peninah had many children. There isn't as much said about her though.
Eli had two sons. Hophni and Phinehas. They were both disobedient and Eli didn't do anything to discipline them.
*** Gospel Gem - If we are willing and receptive, we can grow in our ability to recognize the voice of the Lord. Parents and leaders can help.

* 1 Samuel 3-8
    Samuel had been given to Eli for teaching and training. The Lord called to him four times but since he didn't know what was happening or how to recognize the spirit or hear the Lord he thought Eli was calling him and went to him. Samuel was called to be a prophet at a young age, much like Joseph Smith.
    The Ark of the Covenant is with Hophni and Phinehas. Israel shouts with joy over this. The Philistines didn't understand all the commotion.
    Philistines fought Israel. 30,000 died including Eli's sons. Eli was 98 years old. He died by leaning back on a chair, falling, and braking his neck.
    After hearing of her husband's, her brother-in-law's, and her father-in-law's deaths and the of the taking of the Ark - the stress of it all sent Phinehas's wife into labor. She died in childbirth so her handmaid named the man-child Ichabod.
   The Ark was brought to the house of Dagon (Fish-man figure), the god of the  Philistines. The lord was unhappy with these things > causing Him to send Emerods (tumors and  boils) to the people. The Ark was taken to Gath, the birthplace of Goliath > this was David's refuge.
    The Philistines who took the Ark needed to  make a Trespass offering > made image of emeralds & mice and offering.
    Build a cart for the Ark. They weren't suppose to look in the Ark. Well, they looked in it and 50,000 were smitten for looking inside the Ark.
    Ashtray - idol Baalim - Sun-God. The people put away idol worship and served the Lord. They gathered to the watch-tower. Samuel judged Israel his whole life. He was the last Judge of Israel.
    Samuel's sons, Joel and Abiah were unrighteous sons. Samuel made his sons judges of Israel but the people were unhappy and, asked and begged for a King and the Lord said give the people what they want. They discovered that a king would take everything from the people and give little to them.

* 1 Samuel 9-11
The Lord told Samuel that Saul was coming. Trust in the Lord. Saul was anointed to be captain. God will be supportive of those he calls to serve. People were surprised to see him teaching. Saul heart was changed during the course of time.
Melany said, "Don't ruin the book for me".

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