Scripture Mastery for this Week

Monday, January 11, 2016

Feast 11 January through 15 January 2016

* 1 Samuel 12-15
The Lord guided Moses and Aaron to lead your fathers out of Egypt.  They were teachable for about five minutes at a time then they forgot the Lord. The Lord sold them to Sisera, the captain of Hazar and Philistine.
         GOSPEL GEM - If we will fear the Lord, serve Him, voice then you will continue to follow  

1 Samuel 12
Here's the king you wanted. How do you feel now. Follow the Lord or He will be against you. The Lord said He would send thunder and rain - and He did.
         GOSPEL GEM - The Lord holds the disobedient accountable.

Continue in wickedness and you and your king will be consumed.

1 Samuel 13
Saul chooses 3,000 men. 1,000 were with Jonathan in Geba while defeating troops. Philistines fight Israel with 30,000 chariots - 6,000 horsemen.

Israel hid in caves, high places, rocks, thickets, and pits. There were spoilers (generally the enemies that invade and devastate a country) one company went to Ophrah; one to Shual; one to Beth-horon; one to Zebaim.

1 Samuel 14
Saul commands the tired troops not to eat or they would be cursed, but he doesn't say anything about them dying if they ate. Jonathan didn't hear Saul's orders and at the honey. The people didn't want Jonathan to be killed.

1 Samuel 15
Samuel to Saul: The Lord sent me to anoint thee to be king over Dispeople so listen to the voice of the Lord.

Lord: I remember what Amalek did to Israel. He told them to go and smite Amalek and destroy all that they had and don't spare them.

Saul: Come you 200,000 footmen and 10,000 men of Judah and go to Telaim.

Narrator: Saul smote the Amalekites. He took Agag, the King of the Amalekites alive and destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword. Saul and his people spared Agag and the best of the animals, but killed the vile animals.

Lord to Samuel: I am sorrowful for having made Saul King because he has turned his back on me and has not obeyed my commandments. This upset Samuel and he prayed to me all night to know what to do.

Narrator: When Samuel got up in the Morning to meet Saul he was told that Saul went to Carmel. He set up a place, then went to Gilgal.

Samuel to Saul: You are blessed of the Lord. I have performed the commandment of the Lord. What does this mean - the bleating of the the sheep and the lowing of the oxen that I hear?

Saul to Samuel: These were brought from the Amalekites. These are the best of their animals for a sacrifice  to the Lord, and the rest we have destroyed.

Samuel to Saul: Let me tell you what the Lord said.

Saul to Samuel: Tell me.

Samuel to Saul: When you were little you were called to be the captain of the tribes of Israel, and the Lord made thee King over Israel. The Lord went thee on a journey to destroy the Amalekites. You didn't obey.

Saul to Samuel: I have obeyed the voice of the Lrod and brought Agag back, and have destroyed the Amalekites. The people took of the spoil to sacrifice.

Samuel to Saul: Does the Lord like burnt offerings and sacrifices as He does obedience? Rebellion is like  the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is like iniquity and idolatry. Because  you have rejected the Lord He has rejected you from being King. (removed the crown from the person's head)

Saul to Samuel: I have sinned. I have transgressed to commandments of the Lord. I have feared the people and obeyed their voice. I'm begging you. Forgive my sin and  come with me so I can worship the Lord.

Samuel to Saul: I will not go with you. You have rejected  the word of the Lord and the Lord has rejected you. You are no longer King over Israel.

Narrator: As Samuel turned to go away the skirt of his mantle tore- which was symbolic of the kingdom of Israel being taken from Saul and given to a neighbor that was better than Saul.

Samuel to Saul: The strength of Israel was the Lord and He doesn't need to repent nor will He lie because He is not a man.

Saul to Samuel: I have sinned but honor me now anyway. Come with me so I can worship the Lord.

Narrator: Samuel turned to Saul and Saul worshipped the Lord.

Samuel to Saul: Bring Agag to me.

Agag to Samuel: Surely the bitterness of death is gone.

Samuel to Agag: Your sword has made women childless so your mother shall be childless. (Samuel chops Agag into pieces)

Samuel: I am going to Ramah, which is on the frontier, on the road to Jerusalem. It is on the border of Ephraim where several conflicts happened between Israel and Judah.

Saul: I am going to Gilgal,, which is near Jericho, where the Israelite camp made the first altar after crossing the Jordan River.

Narrator: Samuel visited Saul no more until Saul's death, but he did moron for Saul as the Lord was sorrowful over having made Saul King over Israel.

* 1 Samuel 16
Saul takes a cow th Bethlehem to sacrifice. The Lord looks of the heart.
           Emily - "Your heat is your true you."
    Elder Ashton - The heart is a synonym of our makeup.
David, the youngest was attending to the sheep. He also played the harp.
 Question - What helps us not be angry?
          Emily -  Angry music take anger away because it gets it all out there.

Challenge - If you see someone don't judge outward appearance.

* Flex Day

* 1 Samuel 17
Description of Goliath, the philistine. Goliath told them that is one of them defeated him then the Philistines would serve the Israelites, but if one of the Israeites defeated him then the Philistines would serve the Israelites.
      Mason - "David was protected by "The power of the Lord."

David defeated Goliath with one rock and a sling. Saul was surprised because he only knew David as a harp players.
    GOSPEL GEM - Faith is more than a passive belief.
What are our Goliaths today?

* 1 Samuel 18-31

1 Samuel 18
David defeated Goliath and became friends with Jonathan . . . Saul got jealous and wanted to kill David. From Alma 37:35 - We read that Alma told his son Helaman: "O, Remember , my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God."

Saul wanted David to marry his daughter Merab so he can plot against David through her but David doesn't marry her.

David behaved wisely - as Alma counseled Helaman.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland counseled us regarding jealousy when he said: "There are going to be times in our lives when someone else gets an unexpected blessing or receives some special recognition. May I plead with us not to be hurt -- and certainly not to feel envious -- when good fortune comes to another person? We are not diminished when someone else is added upon. We are not in a race against each other.  . . . The race we are really in is the race against sin, and surely envy is one of themes universal of those."
     GOSPEL GEM - When we are jealous and angry, we allow the influence of the adversary int our lives.

1 Samuel 25
Samuel died.

We meet Nabal and Abigail. Naval is a harsh man. David counsels Abigail to have peace. Abigail pleads to David for not harm to come to Nabal nor her household.

Abigail tells Nabal that she went to David and Nabal has heart attack when his heart turns to rock and later the Lord kills him.

David marries Abigail after the death of Nabal.
     GOSPEL GEM - Wise behavior invites the Lord's influence.

1 Samuel 28
Samuel is dead.

Even though earlier Saul banished all witchcraft ad people who practiced it . . . he sent his men to find a woman of Endor who is a witch to bring Samuel back.  Saul also asked the Lord for help but the Lord refused to help him because he went to a witch for help.

1 Samuel 30
Amalekites invaded the south. David and his two wives (Ahinoam and Abigail) are taken captive. David talked to the Lord and the Lord answered him.

1 Samuel 31
Saul's three sons (Jonathan, Abinadab and Malchi-shua are killed by the Philistines.  Saul asked his armorbearer  to kill him but the armor bearer refuses so Saul lays on his sword and kills himself. When the armor bearer realizes that Saul is dead he laid on his sword also and died. The Philistines find these men dead and strip them of their belongings then bury their bones under tree at Jabesh and fast for seven days.

This is the end of the book of 1 Samuel. So many things happened in this book.

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