Scripture Mastery for this Week

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Feast 19 January through 22 January 2016

* 2 Samuel 1-10
2 Samuel 1
An Amalekite man came from the camp of Saul with is clothes torn. He said he had escaped from the camp of Israel and that he had witnessed Saul's death. He said he felt Saul could not live after falling on his sword so he finished him off. He brought David Saul's crown and bracelet. David had him killed for slaying the Lord's anointed. Saul and Jonathan were pleasant to each other and died together.
It reminded us of Joseph and Hyram Smith. David sorrow end over Jonathan's death.
2 Samuel 2
David was made King of Judah. Ish-bosheth was made King of all Israel at the age of 40 years.
2 Samuel 3
House of David and House of Saul battle.
2 Samuel 4
Sons of Rimmon (Rechab and Baanah) take it upon themselves to hit Ish-bosheth under the 5th rib while he was sleeping, then slew and beheaded him. After this they ran away.
2 Samuel 5
Israel anoints David King at age 30 and he reigned for 40 years. David inquired of the Lord and the Lord answered him.
2 Samuel 6
David gathered 30,000 men and went to get the Ark of God on a new cart since the old one was destroyed. Uzzah and Ahio, Abinadab's sons drove the new cart. The oxen shook the cart and Uzzah touched the cart. God smote Uzzah and he died by the Ark. David wa afraid of the Lord after that.
2 Samuel 7
David tells Nathan, the prophet, he feels bad for living in a house when the Ark is kept in a tent. Nathan tells David to do what is in his heart because the Lord is with him.
2 Samuel 9
Because of David's love for Jonathan he still treated all of the house of Saul with kindness.
2 Samuel 10
David is blessed as he reigns in righteousness.

* 2 Samuel 11- 12:9
David chooses to stay back instead of going to Jerusalem. David ends up walking on the roof and sees Bathsheba bathing (first two bad choices). He lusts after her and inquires about her (third bad choice), then lies with her (commits adultery-the responses of the youth were priceless/fourth bad choice). But the consequences of David's choices are just beginning. David continues this relationship with Bathsheba and plots against Uriah. Bathsheba's husband.

* 2 Samuel 12:10-24:25
The Prophet Nathan confronts King David about his adultery with Bathsheba and Uriah's death.

2 Samuel 12:10-14 (Parable of the Ewe Lamb)
We see the consequences of David's sin. Conflict and war will plague his family and kingdom.
Bathsheba ends up pregnant but the child only lives 7 days. (gotta love the Old Testament and some of the choices that are made). Bathsheba later has another child - Solomon and David sends Uriah to the front lines and he gets killed.
          Gospel Gem - When we choose to sin, we may bring unforeseen and long-term consequences      
                                  upon ourselves and others.

Elder Richard G. Scott said: "It is a fundamental truth that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be cleansed. We can become virtuous and pure. However, sometimes our poor choices leave us with long-term consequences. One of the vital steps to complete repentance is to bear the short-and long-term consequences of our past sins."

Love vs. Lust
2 Samuel 13:1-18
We see the sin of lust in the actions Amnon committed against his half-sister Tamar. She tells him not to touch her bur he doesn't listen to her.
2 Samuel 13:21-39
Absalom was furious about this and planned to take actions against Amnon.
2 Samuel 15:1-6; 10-17
He conspired against David and won the hearts of the people.
         Gosepel Gem - If we lust, then we lose the Spirit - and may dismiss or ignore the consequences  
                                   of our actions, and our love and concern for others may diminish.

Brother Tad R. Callister said: "Satan is the great counterfeiter. He tries to [present] lust as love. There is a simple test to detect the difference. Love is motivated by self-control, obedience to God's moral laws, respect for others, and unselfishness. On the other hand, lust is motivated by disobedience, self-gratification, and lack of discipline."

2 Samuel 18:5-8
Absalom was riding a mule. The mule goes under an Oak tree and Absalom's head gets stuck in a branch. and is hanging there. The mule leaves him hanging there. (the class thought this was hilarious) Joab hears about this and grabs three darts and goes to where Absalom is hanging and shoots the three darts into Absalom's heart. He buries Absalom in a great pit.
2 Samuel 18:33
David wept for his son Absalom's death.

Insurrection (revolt against David)/ Famine (starvation)/Pestilence(plague)
2 Samuel 19-24
After Absalom's death, David returned to Jerusalem. Another rebellion among Israel ended quickly for Joab, who led David's army. Israel suffered a famine for three years. King David displeased the Lord because he counted the military instead relying on the Lord's protection and the Power of God.
To save the people from a plague, David offered sacrifices to the Lord.

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