Scripture Mastery for this Week

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Feast for 27 January through 29 January 2016

* 1 Kings 11-17
1Kings 11:1-28    Solomon had many wives that were not Israelite women and they turned his heart away from the Lord. Solomon was told that if he didn't rule righteously the Lord would split the kingdom . . .  The kingdom was split.
1 Kings 11:29-31    Ahijah and Jeroboam were together in the field. Ahijah grabbed a piece of Jroboam's clothing and tore it off, then ripped it into 12 pieces. He gave Jeroboam 10 pieces,  Solomon received 1 piece, and Solomon's received 1 piece.
     GEM    If we marry in the covenant, our heart are more likely to turn toward God and we can receive the full blessings of the gospel.

Northern Kingdom
(1 Kings 12:25-14:20)    The temple was on Judah. Jeroboam feared subject would travel south to worship the Lord and would convert. He built places of worship, idols, and feasts, and appointed his son priests and led his people to apostasy. A prophet was ent to warn them. He didn't repent. His son was sick and he sent his wife to Shiloh to the prophet.
1 Kings 14:7-9, 14-16     The lord Rent the kingdom away from the house of Daivid, would bring evil upon the house Jeroboam- who died in the city, the dogs would eat and who died in the field - where the fowls would eat. She was told to go to her own house and when she entered the city her son would die. Her son did die when she returned to the threshold of ther house.
Southern Kingdom
(1 Kings 14:21-31)
1 Kings 14:21-24    Rehoboam began to reign in Judah at age 41, and reigned for 17 years in Jerusalem. Judah did evil in the sight of the Lord Their were Sodomites (male prostitutes).
     GEM    If we turn away from the Lord, then we will lose His promised blessings.

1 Kings 15-16     Jeroboam died and a series of wicked kings, who worshipped false god, reigned in Israel. However when Asa was made King he reigned righteously like his father, David. He removed his mother from being queen. His hear was perfect with the Lord. When he died more unrighteous kings reigned.
1 Kings 17:1-6      Elijah was told to go Eastward and hide by the brook Cherish and drink from it and the Ravens would feed him in the morning and evening. The brook dried up after a while. Elijah was sent to Zarepheth.
1 Kings 17:7-9     He was a widow would give him drink and food. A widow was collecting sticks to feed her and her son, then die as she put it. She only had a handful of meal in a barrel and a little oil in a cruise/job. Elijah asked her to feed him first then feed her and her son and she would have plenty. She obeyed faithfully but was still a little unsure.
1Kings 17:17-24    The widow's son became sick and died,  Elijah brought him back to life. This convinced the widow that Elijah was indeed a "Man of God"/ Prophet.
     GEM    Before we can receive the Lrod's promised blessings, we must first act in faith. As we exercise faith in the Lord's words, we can come to know and testify that His words are true.

* Kings 18-22
Ahab and Jezebel worshipped Baal - Sun-god.
They had a contest 400 Prophets of Baal and 400 Prophets of the groves.
Elijah stones according to 12 tribes. They built 2 fire pits (one with water surrounding it caught fire).
     GEM - The Lord gives us agency th choose to follow Him.
     GEM - The Lord's power is greater than man's power.
Elijah prophecies of rain. They eat 40 days and 40 nights. Horeb is Mr. Sinai. He lodges in a cave and the Lord speaks i still small voice.

* 2 Kings 1-4
Elijah tried to get Elisha to leave so he could die. Elijah is translated like Moses, and Eoch and the city. Spiritual gifts
     GEM - The Lord gives authority to those who are called.
Elisha made the water drinkable. Mama bears ate the 42 young men. Widows's sons and oil.

There is a lot of death in these 9 chapters. (Man of God means the prophet. In addition to Baal being the sun-god, worshipping him was like being possessed.)
* 2 Kings 5-13
2 Kings 5      Naaman the Leper. Elisha the prophet told him to wash 7 times in the River Jordan and he would be clean. He reluctantly does it and is made clean.
2 Kings 8:1-16   Elisha tells the widow, whose sone he revived, to leave and go wherever they can go because there is going to be a famine for 7 years. She obeys.
2 Kings 9     Jehu is anointed King  and conspires against Joram; kills Jehoram. Jezebel gets herself all dressed up with her face painted and everything and Jehu orders her killed then dogs eat her body and leave her skull, her feet, and the palms of her hands).  She doesn't get buried. They leave her remaining body parts as dung on the land to decompose into the land.
2 Kings 10:18      Ahab was a little wicked, but Jehu was more wicked.
2 Kings 10:34-36     (About 192 killed at Jehu's command.) Jehu dies after a 28 year reign and his son Jehoahaz reigns.
2 Kings 11    Athaliah who was Ahaaiah's mother found out her son was dead and she destroyed the royal seed and her sister Jehosheba hides Ahaziah's son Joash for 6 years so he wouldn't be killed. After 7 years Jehoiada, the priest divided his men. He said 1/3 shall be keepers of the wrath of the king's house; 1/3 shall be at the gate of Sur; and 1/3 shall be behind th guard. The will be guarding th king with weapons. The king made is son King. They said God save the King.
 Jehoiada had Jehosheba killed, then they killed Mattan, the Priest of  Baal. Athaliah is also killed with a sword. And 7 year old Joash (Jehoash) begins to reign as King.
2 Kings 12   Josh reigned righteously for 40 years in Jerusalem. Hs servants's sons kill ad bury him. Amaziah, his son signed in his place.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Feast 19 January through 22 January 2016

* 2 Samuel 1-10
2 Samuel 1
An Amalekite man came from the camp of Saul with is clothes torn. He said he had escaped from the camp of Israel and that he had witnessed Saul's death. He said he felt Saul could not live after falling on his sword so he finished him off. He brought David Saul's crown and bracelet. David had him killed for slaying the Lord's anointed. Saul and Jonathan were pleasant to each other and died together.
It reminded us of Joseph and Hyram Smith. David sorrow end over Jonathan's death.
2 Samuel 2
David was made King of Judah. Ish-bosheth was made King of all Israel at the age of 40 years.
2 Samuel 3
House of David and House of Saul battle.
2 Samuel 4
Sons of Rimmon (Rechab and Baanah) take it upon themselves to hit Ish-bosheth under the 5th rib while he was sleeping, then slew and beheaded him. After this they ran away.
2 Samuel 5
Israel anoints David King at age 30 and he reigned for 40 years. David inquired of the Lord and the Lord answered him.
2 Samuel 6
David gathered 30,000 men and went to get the Ark of God on a new cart since the old one was destroyed. Uzzah and Ahio, Abinadab's sons drove the new cart. The oxen shook the cart and Uzzah touched the cart. God smote Uzzah and he died by the Ark. David wa afraid of the Lord after that.
2 Samuel 7
David tells Nathan, the prophet, he feels bad for living in a house when the Ark is kept in a tent. Nathan tells David to do what is in his heart because the Lord is with him.
2 Samuel 9
Because of David's love for Jonathan he still treated all of the house of Saul with kindness.
2 Samuel 10
David is blessed as he reigns in righteousness.

* 2 Samuel 11- 12:9
David chooses to stay back instead of going to Jerusalem. David ends up walking on the roof and sees Bathsheba bathing (first two bad choices). He lusts after her and inquires about her (third bad choice), then lies with her (commits adultery-the responses of the youth were priceless/fourth bad choice). But the consequences of David's choices are just beginning. David continues this relationship with Bathsheba and plots against Uriah. Bathsheba's husband.

* 2 Samuel 12:10-24:25
The Prophet Nathan confronts King David about his adultery with Bathsheba and Uriah's death.

2 Samuel 12:10-14 (Parable of the Ewe Lamb)
We see the consequences of David's sin. Conflict and war will plague his family and kingdom.
Bathsheba ends up pregnant but the child only lives 7 days. (gotta love the Old Testament and some of the choices that are made). Bathsheba later has another child - Solomon and David sends Uriah to the front lines and he gets killed.
          Gospel Gem - When we choose to sin, we may bring unforeseen and long-term consequences      
                                  upon ourselves and others.

Elder Richard G. Scott said: "It is a fundamental truth that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be cleansed. We can become virtuous and pure. However, sometimes our poor choices leave us with long-term consequences. One of the vital steps to complete repentance is to bear the short-and long-term consequences of our past sins."

Love vs. Lust
2 Samuel 13:1-18
We see the sin of lust in the actions Amnon committed against his half-sister Tamar. She tells him not to touch her bur he doesn't listen to her.
2 Samuel 13:21-39
Absalom was furious about this and planned to take actions against Amnon.
2 Samuel 15:1-6; 10-17
He conspired against David and won the hearts of the people.
         Gosepel Gem - If we lust, then we lose the Spirit - and may dismiss or ignore the consequences  
                                   of our actions, and our love and concern for others may diminish.

Brother Tad R. Callister said: "Satan is the great counterfeiter. He tries to [present] lust as love. There is a simple test to detect the difference. Love is motivated by self-control, obedience to God's moral laws, respect for others, and unselfishness. On the other hand, lust is motivated by disobedience, self-gratification, and lack of discipline."

2 Samuel 18:5-8
Absalom was riding a mule. The mule goes under an Oak tree and Absalom's head gets stuck in a branch. and is hanging there. The mule leaves him hanging there. (the class thought this was hilarious) Joab hears about this and grabs three darts and goes to where Absalom is hanging and shoots the three darts into Absalom's heart. He buries Absalom in a great pit.
2 Samuel 18:33
David wept for his son Absalom's death.

Insurrection (revolt against David)/ Famine (starvation)/Pestilence(plague)
2 Samuel 19-24
After Absalom's death, David returned to Jerusalem. Another rebellion among Israel ended quickly for Joab, who led David's army. Israel suffered a famine for three years. King David displeased the Lord because he counted the military instead relying on the Lord's protection and the Power of God.
To save the people from a plague, David offered sacrifices to the Lord.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Feast 11 January through 15 January 2016

* 1 Samuel 12-15
The Lord guided Moses and Aaron to lead your fathers out of Egypt.  They were teachable for about five minutes at a time then they forgot the Lord. The Lord sold them to Sisera, the captain of Hazar and Philistine.
         GOSPEL GEM - If we will fear the Lord, serve Him, voice then you will continue to follow  

1 Samuel 12
Here's the king you wanted. How do you feel now. Follow the Lord or He will be against you. The Lord said He would send thunder and rain - and He did.
         GOSPEL GEM - The Lord holds the disobedient accountable.

Continue in wickedness and you and your king will be consumed.

1 Samuel 13
Saul chooses 3,000 men. 1,000 were with Jonathan in Geba while defeating troops. Philistines fight Israel with 30,000 chariots - 6,000 horsemen.

Israel hid in caves, high places, rocks, thickets, and pits. There were spoilers (generally the enemies that invade and devastate a country) one company went to Ophrah; one to Shual; one to Beth-horon; one to Zebaim.

1 Samuel 14
Saul commands the tired troops not to eat or they would be cursed, but he doesn't say anything about them dying if they ate. Jonathan didn't hear Saul's orders and at the honey. The people didn't want Jonathan to be killed.

1 Samuel 15
Samuel to Saul: The Lord sent me to anoint thee to be king over Dispeople so listen to the voice of the Lord.

Lord: I remember what Amalek did to Israel. He told them to go and smite Amalek and destroy all that they had and don't spare them.

Saul: Come you 200,000 footmen and 10,000 men of Judah and go to Telaim.

Narrator: Saul smote the Amalekites. He took Agag, the King of the Amalekites alive and destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword. Saul and his people spared Agag and the best of the animals, but killed the vile animals.

Lord to Samuel: I am sorrowful for having made Saul King because he has turned his back on me and has not obeyed my commandments. This upset Samuel and he prayed to me all night to know what to do.

Narrator: When Samuel got up in the Morning to meet Saul he was told that Saul went to Carmel. He set up a place, then went to Gilgal.

Samuel to Saul: You are blessed of the Lord. I have performed the commandment of the Lord. What does this mean - the bleating of the the sheep and the lowing of the oxen that I hear?

Saul to Samuel: These were brought from the Amalekites. These are the best of their animals for a sacrifice  to the Lord, and the rest we have destroyed.

Samuel to Saul: Let me tell you what the Lord said.

Saul to Samuel: Tell me.

Samuel to Saul: When you were little you were called to be the captain of the tribes of Israel, and the Lord made thee King over Israel. The Lord went thee on a journey to destroy the Amalekites. You didn't obey.

Saul to Samuel: I have obeyed the voice of the Lrod and brought Agag back, and have destroyed the Amalekites. The people took of the spoil to sacrifice.

Samuel to Saul: Does the Lord like burnt offerings and sacrifices as He does obedience? Rebellion is like  the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is like iniquity and idolatry. Because  you have rejected the Lord He has rejected you from being King. (removed the crown from the person's head)

Saul to Samuel: I have sinned. I have transgressed to commandments of the Lord. I have feared the people and obeyed their voice. I'm begging you. Forgive my sin and  come with me so I can worship the Lord.

Samuel to Saul: I will not go with you. You have rejected  the word of the Lord and the Lord has rejected you. You are no longer King over Israel.

Narrator: As Samuel turned to go away the skirt of his mantle tore- which was symbolic of the kingdom of Israel being taken from Saul and given to a neighbor that was better than Saul.

Samuel to Saul: The strength of Israel was the Lord and He doesn't need to repent nor will He lie because He is not a man.

Saul to Samuel: I have sinned but honor me now anyway. Come with me so I can worship the Lord.

Narrator: Samuel turned to Saul and Saul worshipped the Lord.

Samuel to Saul: Bring Agag to me.

Agag to Samuel: Surely the bitterness of death is gone.

Samuel to Agag: Your sword has made women childless so your mother shall be childless. (Samuel chops Agag into pieces)

Samuel: I am going to Ramah, which is on the frontier, on the road to Jerusalem. It is on the border of Ephraim where several conflicts happened between Israel and Judah.

Saul: I am going to Gilgal,, which is near Jericho, where the Israelite camp made the first altar after crossing the Jordan River.

Narrator: Samuel visited Saul no more until Saul's death, but he did moron for Saul as the Lord was sorrowful over having made Saul King over Israel.

* 1 Samuel 16
Saul takes a cow th Bethlehem to sacrifice. The Lord looks of the heart.
           Emily - "Your heat is your true you."
    Elder Ashton - The heart is a synonym of our makeup.
David, the youngest was attending to the sheep. He also played the harp.
 Question - What helps us not be angry?
          Emily -  Angry music take anger away because it gets it all out there.

Challenge - If you see someone don't judge outward appearance.

* Flex Day

* 1 Samuel 17
Description of Goliath, the philistine. Goliath told them that is one of them defeated him then the Philistines would serve the Israelites, but if one of the Israeites defeated him then the Philistines would serve the Israelites.
      Mason - "David was protected by "The power of the Lord."

David defeated Goliath with one rock and a sling. Saul was surprised because he only knew David as a harp players.
    GOSPEL GEM - Faith is more than a passive belief.
What are our Goliaths today?

* 1 Samuel 18-31

1 Samuel 18
David defeated Goliath and became friends with Jonathan . . . Saul got jealous and wanted to kill David. From Alma 37:35 - We read that Alma told his son Helaman: "O, Remember , my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God."

Saul wanted David to marry his daughter Merab so he can plot against David through her but David doesn't marry her.

David behaved wisely - as Alma counseled Helaman.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland counseled us regarding jealousy when he said: "There are going to be times in our lives when someone else gets an unexpected blessing or receives some special recognition. May I plead with us not to be hurt -- and certainly not to feel envious -- when good fortune comes to another person? We are not diminished when someone else is added upon. We are not in a race against each other.  . . . The race we are really in is the race against sin, and surely envy is one of themes universal of those."
     GOSPEL GEM - When we are jealous and angry, we allow the influence of the adversary int our lives.

1 Samuel 25
Samuel died.

We meet Nabal and Abigail. Naval is a harsh man. David counsels Abigail to have peace. Abigail pleads to David for not harm to come to Nabal nor her household.

Abigail tells Nabal that she went to David and Nabal has heart attack when his heart turns to rock and later the Lord kills him.

David marries Abigail after the death of Nabal.
     GOSPEL GEM - Wise behavior invites the Lord's influence.

1 Samuel 28
Samuel is dead.

Even though earlier Saul banished all witchcraft ad people who practiced it . . . he sent his men to find a woman of Endor who is a witch to bring Samuel back.  Saul also asked the Lord for help but the Lord refused to help him because he went to a witch for help.

1 Samuel 30
Amalekites invaded the south. David and his two wives (Ahinoam and Abigail) are taken captive. David talked to the Lord and the Lord answered him.

1 Samuel 31
Saul's three sons (Jonathan, Abinadab and Malchi-shua are killed by the Philistines.  Saul asked his armorbearer  to kill him but the armor bearer refuses so Saul lays on his sword and kills himself. When the armor bearer realizes that Saul is dead he laid on his sword also and died. The Philistines find these men dead and strip them of their belongings then bury their bones under tree at Jabesh and fast for seven days.

This is the end of the book of 1 Samuel. So many things happened in this book.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Feast 6 January through 8 January 2016

* 1 Samuel 1-2   (Adversity)
Elkanah had two wives - Hannah and Peninah.
Hannah's womb was shut up so she couldn't have children. This saddened her greatly. She petitioned the Lord for a child - specifically a man child and promised the Lord that she would give the child to Him and that his head would never see a razor. The Lord eventually answered her prayer and sent Samuel to her. There was rejoicing over the event. Hannah kept her word to the Lord and when Samuel was old enough Hannah took him to the temple and gave him the priest Eli.
     Sabrina said this means to her that "If you pray you'll be ok."
Peninah had many children. There isn't as much said about her though.
Eli had two sons. Hophni and Phinehas. They were both disobedient and Eli didn't do anything to discipline them.
*** Gospel Gem - If we are willing and receptive, we can grow in our ability to recognize the voice of the Lord. Parents and leaders can help.

* 1 Samuel 3-8
    Samuel had been given to Eli for teaching and training. The Lord called to him four times but since he didn't know what was happening or how to recognize the spirit or hear the Lord he thought Eli was calling him and went to him. Samuel was called to be a prophet at a young age, much like Joseph Smith.
    The Ark of the Covenant is with Hophni and Phinehas. Israel shouts with joy over this. The Philistines didn't understand all the commotion.
    Philistines fought Israel. 30,000 died including Eli's sons. Eli was 98 years old. He died by leaning back on a chair, falling, and braking his neck.
    After hearing of her husband's, her brother-in-law's, and her father-in-law's deaths and the of the taking of the Ark - the stress of it all sent Phinehas's wife into labor. She died in childbirth so her handmaid named the man-child Ichabod.
   The Ark was brought to the house of Dagon (Fish-man figure), the god of the  Philistines. The lord was unhappy with these things > causing Him to send Emerods (tumors and  boils) to the people. The Ark was taken to Gath, the birthplace of Goliath > this was David's refuge.
    The Philistines who took the Ark needed to  make a Trespass offering > made image of emeralds & mice and offering.
    Build a cart for the Ark. They weren't suppose to look in the Ark. Well, they looked in it and 50,000 were smitten for looking inside the Ark.
    Ashtray - idol Baalim - Sun-God. The people put away idol worship and served the Lord. They gathered to the watch-tower. Samuel judged Israel his whole life. He was the last Judge of Israel.
    Samuel's sons, Joel and Abiah were unrighteous sons. Samuel made his sons judges of Israel but the people were unhappy and, asked and begged for a King and the Lord said give the people what they want. They discovered that a king would take everything from the people and give little to them.

* 1 Samuel 9-11
The Lord told Samuel that Saul was coming. Trust in the Lord. Saul was anointed to be captain. God will be supportive of those he calls to serve. People were surprised to see him teaching. Saul heart was changed during the course of time.
Melany said, "Don't ruin the book for me".