Scripture Mastery for this Week

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Feast for 29 February through 4 March 2016

* Isaiah 1-2 Background on Isaiah - served as prophet for 40 years and is the most quoted prophetic scriptures. Parallelism - Heaven and earth listen. Imagery - v.3 1:5-9 Compares to bad Israelites 1:13-15 The Lord doesn't bless our grudging actions. 2:1-5 temples are established no fighting between nations * Isaiah 3-5 v.1-7 physical destruction and spiritual death Melany: "don't be a farmer" Nathan:"I try not to pay attention to my feelings and go with what's right" * Isaiah 6-9 First of all, up to this point Isaiah is not a prophet. 6:1-4 - v.1 Isaiah saw God, and he also saw the Lord's train filed the entire room. He saw a six-winged seraphim which was an angelic being (part human). 6:5 - He felt unclean in the presence of the Lord because he was overwhelmed by the sins of the people. 6:6-7 - Coal was taken as a symbol of cleansing. The seraphim said that Isaiah's sins were symbolic of peoples' sins and he had to be purged from those sins. 6:8 - Isaiah called to be prophet. 6:9-10 - The people rejected the message? they made their hearts fat and their ears heavy, and shut their eyes (they hardened their heart) 6:13 - Teil trees (this is an old names for lime trees that stand alone in a a ravine or on a hill), Abloom was hanging from an oak tree. GEM - AS WE ARE FORGIVEN OR OUR SINS, WE BECOME MORE WILLING TO DO WHAT GOD ASKS US 7:3; 8:1; 8:18 - Isaiah named his sons Shear-jashub and Maher-shalal-hash-baz (which is the longest word in the scriptures). Their names mean: Maher-shalal-hash-baz - (1)to speed to the spoil (destruction) (2) he hastens (3)destruction is imminent Shear-jashub - The remnant shall return. Isaiah - (1) The Lord is salvation (2) Jehovah saves Isaiah 9:12,17,21 Isaiah repeated the phrase > "His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still." This means God punishes for our wrong doings but also gives mercy trough the Atonement. If the people would turn to Him He was available to them. GEM - IF WE REPENT, THE LORD IS WILLING TO EXTEND HIS MERCY TO US AND FORGIVE US GEM - THE JUSTICE OF GOD DEMANDS PUNISHMENT FOR SIN, BUT THE ATONEMENT BRINGS THE PLAN OF MERCY TO APPEASE THE DEMANDS OF JUSTICE * Isaiah 10-16 During the Millennium Satan will be retrained. Ensign - an everlasting covenant in this dispensation. Joseph Smith restored the gospel. 11:11-12 Stem - House of Jesse (Jesus Christ)(Jesus was of the House of David) Rod - a servant (Joseph Smith) Roots - descendent of Jesse GEM - THE RESTORED CHURCH IS AN ENSIGN TO GATHER THE SCATTERED ISRAEL BACK TO THE GOEPSL OF JESUS CHRIST 13 - a similitude of the 2nd Coming GEM - WHEN THE LORD COMES AGAIN HE WILLD DESTROY THE WICKED, AND BE MERCIFUL TO HIS PEOPLE AND GIVE THEM REST

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