Scripture Mastery for this Week

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Feast for 21 March through 25 March 2016

* Isaiah 54-57
Names for Christ in the block of scripture:
"Lord of Hosts," "Redeemer," "Holy One of Israel," "God of the whole earth"

Summary of Isaiah 54:1-3- Handout from "The Kindgoms of Israel and Judah at a Glance." Isaiah witnessed the scattering of the Northern Kingdom because of wickedness, prophesied that Juadh would be conquered because of wickedness, saw that after being gathered again there would be growth.

Video from LDS Gospel Library:
President Hinckley: "Bring Back Those Who are Lost" - Isaiah 54:1-3 (1:11)

Isaiah 54:4-5
Israel would forget it's shame from unfaithfulness - "the shame of thy youth" and. 'The reproach of thy widowhood," he describes Israel's condition of separation from her close covenant relationship with the Lord.

Isaiah 54:7-10 
The Lord describes His relationship with Israel as a marriage- He is the husband and Israel is the wife.
The Lord would gather them with great mercies, show everlasting kindness and mercy for them, no more floods (as in Noah's day) would come, and kindness wouldn't depart.

Elder Holland quote:
"Surely the thing God enjoys most about being God is the thrill of being merciful, especially to those who don't expect it and oftener feel they don't deserve it"


Video from LDS Gospel Library:
Elder Holland: "Coe Unto Christ" - Isaiah 55:1-7 (1:27)

Isaiah 55:7
The Lord "will abundantly pardon" means He will fully forgive us.

Elder Anderson Quote:
"When we sin, we turn away from God. When we repent, we turn back toward God.
"The invitation to repent is rarely a voice of chastisement but rather a loving appeal to turn around and to "re-turn" toward God"


Isaiah 55:8-9
The Lord's ways are not man's ways.


Isaiah 57:13
The blessings we receive when we trust in the Lord are that we will inherit His Holy Mountain.

* Isaiah 58
This chapter has two Scripture Masteries in it.

Isaiah 58:13-14 (Scripture Mastery)
Sabbath day and high places

Bishop Dennis talked about the words Elder Bednar spoke when visiting with the local priesthood leadership and missionaries last week. Elder Bednar said, "the Temple he church built and protects - the lord allows us to protect the sabbath"
Sustaining means support and do what is asked of us.

Sacred ordinance are saving ordinances.

Temple - consecrated, dedicated, holy, and saving ordinances are performed there. It is a sanctuary or safe place.

Sabbath - consecrated, dedicated, holy, and saving ordinances are performed then. It is a tie to learn and be taught. It is 24 hours - not just a three-hour block.

Isaiah 58:6-7 (Scriptures Mastery) 
Law of the Fast

Sabrina explained how to fast.
     start with a prayer, and have a purpose, then close with a prayer.

Fast Offering is money you would have spent on two meals for you and/or your family during the 24-hr period.

* Isaiah 59-66
The paragraph symbol is used many times in Isaiah and it lets us know Isaiah is either clarifying was he has just spoken or he is clarifying something he has previously said somewhere else. (this symbol is usually regularly throughout the scriptures)
Isaiah prophesied or events that would occur in the last days, also during and after the millennium.

Word to know:
Intercessor   someone who intervenes to help settle difference between two people or groups.

We don't have to commit a grievous or even not-so-grievous sin to stop feeling the spirit. If we stop  doing the basic things (reading our scriptures, praying, acting on promptings from the spirit, attending our Sunday meetings, and our weekday church activities, going to the Temple, etc.) we will lose th Spirit from lack of nourishment. Our physical bodies need nourishment to live. Our Spirit needs spiritual nourishment to live.

Isaiah 65:17
We don't remember the pre-existence because their is a spiritual veil over our minds.

Isaiah 59:1-2
"The Lord's Hand is not chortened" = the Lord's power to save has not decreased.

Isaiah 59:3-4,7
The people had committed many sins . . .
     Defiled with blood, fingers with iniquity, lives spoken lies, tongue muttered perverseness, none  
     called for justice, none pleaded truth, trusted in vanity, conceive mischief, feet run to evil, she'd
     innocent blood, thoughts of iniquity, wasting and destruction in their paths.


Isaiah 59:16
The Lord saw that His people needed an intercessor so He became that. 

Isaiah 59:20
The Savior's roll as our Redeemer was that He purchased our sins with His blood through the Atonement.


Isaiah 63:1-3
The red color of he Savior's garments represents the blood of the wicked who will be destroyed  when justice is poured out upon them at the Second Coming and the Millennium. It can also remind the righteous of the blood He shed on their behalf.


* Jeremiah 1-6
Things they hope to accomplish - graduation, and have success in life.

Jeremiah 1:4-5

Melany -  "He knew everyone"

True to the Faith
foreordination - applies to ll members

The Lord will prepare us if we are righteous.

Jeremiah 2:13
Two evils:   forsake Him                     Broken cistern

RaeLynn - "you need water like you need Jesus"

Most temples have fountains. Fountains are like living water -Christ is living water.

Jeremiah 3:12-13
Transgressed against God, backsliding.

Elder Holland: "We can change if we really want to"


Friday, March 18, 2016

Feast week of 14 March through 18 March 2016

* Isaiah 42-47
Children of Israel has two choices:
Trust in the Lord             OR                 Worship false gods

Messiah means the anointed

created heavens and spread them.

Spread forth the earth
Gave breath to people

Hold thine hand
Give light to Gentiles

 - Open blind eyes
 - Bring out prisoners
D&C 138:18-19, 30-31
 - Son of God appears in spirit prison and preached
 - commissioned of Jesus

 - bring the spiritually  blind by the way
 - lead them
 - make darkness light
 - crooked things straight
 - false god cause shame
Those who hearken to Christ will be healed spiritually.

 - created thee
 - formed thee
 - redeemed thee
 - loved thee 
 - with thee

**** Problems the students feel they have today:
Make graven image

Heweth down trees to make idols
make bread
eyes shut of knowledge and understanding

By working false gods we break off the spirit from us.

* Isaiah 48-50 
The first full chapter of Isaiah that the prophet Nephi quoted in the book of Mormon. He stated his reason for reading Isaiah to his brethren was so that he "might more fully persuade them to believe in the Lord their redeemer."

Some definitions from these chapters:
Sinew- a tendon which connects muscle to bone
Graven - to cut or carve something into an object so the imprint remains there permanently.
Redeem - to buy back or to deliver from captivity
Atonement - describes the setting "at one" of those who have been estranged and denotes the reconciliation of man to god. Sin is the cause of the estrangement. It is conditional, so far as each person's individual sins are concerned, and touches every one to the degree that he has faith in Jesus Christ, repents of his sins, and obeys the gospel.

 48:1, 4-5, 8
v. 1 - "Waters of Judah" refers to baptism.
Words or phrases symbolizing rebellion:
v. 4 - "an iron sinew," "brass brow," prideful people will not bend their neck in humility
v. 8 - "you hardest not," "thou knewest not,"
v. 5 - Why did he say he prophesied of events before they happen?  so the Israelites could not attribute the Lord's act to their graven images

The Lord told the people: "despite your wickedness, I will not abandon you."

Isaiah used a river as a symbol of peace because usually rivers move calmly and running water can be soothing.
We pondered times when we hearkened to the Lord and had peace.

The wicked do not feel peace.


Isaiah 49
Isaiah warns the Israelites of being scattering in the future.

They are referred to as "Zion" in this instance. They felt as though the Lord had forsaken and forgotten them.  However He had already told them He would not abandon them.
The Lord won't for any of us because He has engraved us in the palms of His hands through the crucifixion.

Isaiah prophesied that in the latter days, the descendant of Israel would gather in great numbers. V.22-23 specifically Gentiles/non-Israelite people will assist in the  process and all people will now that He is the Savior and redeemer.


(We wrote 3 Nephi 20:38 in the margin by this scripture and vise verse)

When something is sold it belongs to the person who bought the item. Through the Atonement, the Savior purchased  our souls with His blood. [1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 1 Peter 1:18-19]  When we sin we may feel like the Savior has sold us or that He may not want us anymore. This is not true because He always wants us to return.
The Lord said, "For your iniquities have ye sold yourselves" and He meant that He had not sold them nor forsaken them but they had sold themselves into captivity by their actions.


"When we sin, we sell ourselves for taught" means that sinning trades our freedom and happiness for something of no real value

The Savior's willingness to endure the suffering involved with the Atonement is evidence of His commitment to us. At one point He asked for the cup to be removed from Him , but nevertheless not His will but Heavenly Father's will be done. Every thing He ever did was by choice for us.


* Isaiah 51-52 
People make it hard to be righteous.

The Lord's counsel: hearken to me follow after righteousness seek the Lord.

Abrahamic Covenant - his future generations would be blessed.
As we remember our covenants and keep them . . . baptism, sacrament, remember Savior daily


Mason said,"All I need is the Lord."

Ignore when people try to mock and make fun of us. We can invite the Lord in our life by loving God's laws. if we respect commandments we'll keep them.

52:1-2 put on thy strength


Be that "runner' from the battlefield - be a missionary - stand tall and keep the commandments.

Isaiah 53
Contains a prophecy of the Atonement.
Definitions from the chapter: comeliness pleasing in appearance, attractive; despise look down on with contempt or disrespect; esteem respect or affection; acquaint know personally. I also read the definition of Devil from the sealed portion of the Scriptures, which is, the Bible Dictionary and gave each them a copy of it for themselves. 

Isaiah 53
Asks two questions to begin with.

1. Who hath believe our report? We need to examine whether we believe in the testimony of he Prophet concerning the redeeming mission of Jesus Christ.
2. To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? Consider whether you have experienced the redemptive power of the Savior's Atonement.

President Joseph Fielding Smith:
Explaining: "no beauty that we should desire Him"
"There was nothing about [Jesus] so cause people to single Him out. In appearance He was like men; and so it is expressed here by the prophet that he had no form or comeliness, that is, he was not so distinctive, so different from others that people would recognize Him as the Son of God. He appeared as a mortal man"

We watched the LDS tools Old Testament video: 
"Isaiah Prophesied of Christ" (4:51)
We discussed the video. . .


Elder David A. Bednar 
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

"There is no physical pain, no spiritual wound, no anguish of soul or heartache, no infirmity or weakness you or I ever confront in morality that the Saior did not experience first. In a moment of weakness we may cry out, "No one knows what it is like. No one understands. 'But the Son of God perfectly knows and understands,  for He has felt and borne our individual burdens. And because of His infinite and eternal sacrifice (see Alma 34:14), He has perfect empathy and can extend to us His arm of mercy. He can reach out, touch, succor, heal, and strengthen us."
(this quote is also on a YouTube video titled: "Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease" (1:25)
We talked about the quote. . .


We watched another LDS tools Old Testament video: 
President James E. Faust "Incomparable Atonement" (1:35)
We discussed the video. . . 

Jesus accomplished the Atonement for His seed (which is all those who believe the testimony of th prophets concerning His mission as the Redeemer).

* Flex Day
Scripture Mastery Bingo

Monday, March 7, 2016

Feast for 7 March through 11 March 2016

* Isaiah 17-23 We are going to see Isaiah's prophecy of the scattering of the Israel, the Ensign (which is the gospel) being raised up in the beginning of he last. Dispensation, the church's role in gathering Israel. Isaiah 17 We see a message of doom for Damascus, which is the capital of Syria) and for the Northern Kingdom of Israel. These two nations will be conquered by the Assyrian army, ad the Lord will rebuke the Assyrians and others who oppress Israel. Isaiah 18:1-3 V. 1 Where is the land Isaiah's talking about? > beyond Ethiopia in Cush. (The word Woe here may be a greeting). President Joseph Fielding Smith said a possible interpretation of "the land shadowing with wings" is a reference to the Americas. Here's how Isaiah's imagery relates to the restored Church? > land-the Americas where the restoration began > Ambassadors and messengers-can refer to apostles and missionaries who travel all over the world to spread the gospel. > ensign-a flag or banner armies gather around for barrel > trumpet-the latter day call to gather to the restored Church of Jesus Christ Isaiah 18:4-8 The lord used imagery to describe the destruction of the wicked and gathering of the righteous. Isaiah 18:7 What are the people to bring gate Lord? > a gift Background for 18:7 "The Saints are so determined to offer to the Lord a worthy gift of gathered Israel that, as the Prophet Joseph smith said, they 'have labored without pay, to instruct the United States [and now the world] that the gathering had commenced in the western boundaries of Missouri, to build a holy city, where, as may be seen in the eighteenth chapter of Isaiah, the present should "be brought unto the Lord of Hosts."' Mount Zion is identified i modern revelation as the New Jerusalem. Thus,once the Church s restored and Ephraim begins the work of gathering Israel fro their scattered and peeled condition . . . ., they can present a restored house of Jacob to the Lord as a gift that will delight Him. "The Jerusalem bible renders the phrase i Isaiah 18, 'a people terrible from their beginning,' as 'the nation always feared'; and it renders the phrase 'whose land the rivers have spoiled' as 'the country criss-crossed with rivers.' These passages seem to refer to America, where the Restoration was to take place" What would be most meaningful to the Lord? Isaiah 19 Summary- Isaiah prophesied of Egypt being smitten because of their idol worship and evil practices but they would eventually recognize their need for the Lord and turbot Him. GEM - TRUSTING IN OUR OWN STRENGTH INSTEAD OF TRUSTING IN GOD CAN LEAD US INTO SIN AND ULTIMATELY TO DESTRUCTION Isaiah 20-21 Summary- Other wicked nations would be destroyed. 2 Kings 19:32-35 Here we see that they will not be spared by the Babylonian army more than a century later. Isaiah 22:1-7 V.1 What did the people think they could depend on for protection from the Babylonian army? > weapons, fortifications that the city wall and Hezekiah's tunnel (conduit for water being diverted into the city from outside the city) > they forgot God. V.2 What did the Lord want the people to do? > repent Isaiah 22:8-14 V.13 How did the people respond? > they procrastinated their repentance (2 Nephi 28:8 - They believe they can do whatever they want.) ***Why do you think Satan is successful in promoting this idea that people are entitled to seek pleasure and commit sin without being concerned about the consequences of their actions? Background on 22:22-25 "Isaiah made a symbol of Shebna's replacement, Eliakim. His name means God shall cause to arise.' anticipating the Savior, who holds the 'key of the house of David' but was fastened 'as a nail in a sure place' until the burden of the Atonement was complete. Upon Him rests 'all the glory of his father's ouse.' Isaiah recommended depending on Him for everlasting security. "The 'nail in a sure place' is messianic and symbolizes the terrible reality of the cross, though only a part of the total suffering of the lord that caused Him to 'tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit'. Just as the nail of the cross that was driven in the sure place, for He has given them power so that none need be lost. As Christ brings the redeemed to the father, the glory becomes His own, and he redeemed to the father, the glory becomes part of the family of heaven under the throne of Christ." Isaiah 23 Summary Isaiah prophesied that the coastal city of tre, located in modern-day Lebanon, would slap be destroyed. GEM - WE CAN BE SAVED ONL IF WE ABANDON THE THINGS OF THE WORLD AND FOLLOW THE SAVIOR. GEM - JESUS CHRIST HOLD THE KEY OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID AND THE KEYS OF SALVATION FOR ALL MANKID * Isaiah 24-28 Has the Lord ever asked us to wait for something? Finish High School, finish College, opportunities, answers, marriage, children Isaiah 24 We see the destruction of the wicked at the 2nd Coming. Isaiah 25:1-5 We see the celebrating of righteousness. What has the Lord been to the people? > I will praise thy name > strong people glorify thee > strength in the storm > shadow from the heap > strength to the poor Isaiah 6-8 We see what the Lord does: > feast of fat things > feast of wines on lees > swallow up death with comfort Isaiah 25:9 People will say in the millennium > this is the Lord - I've been waiting GEM - IF WE WAIT FOR THE LORD, THEN WE CAN RECEIVE HIS SALVATIOIN AND REJOICE Elder Robert D. Hales said: "In the the scriptures, the word wait means to hope, to anticipate, and to trust. To hope and trust in the Lord requires faith, patience, humility, meekness, long-suffereing, keeping the commandments, and enduring to the end." Isaiah 26-27 Isaiah testifies that we can trust in the Lord forever Isaiah 28:10-13 Talks of apostasy Joseph Smith: "We should have wisdom a little at a time." (Like going up a ladder one rung at a time) Isaish 28:15-16 Chidlren of Israel didn't think they needed God. Build on a stone: > a tried stone > precious corner stone > a sure foundation * Isaiah 29 Prophecy of the Book of Mormon The Great Apostacy is referred to in Isaiah 29:9-10 as when the Lord withdrew the authority and keys of His priesthood from the earth. He said it would occur after the death of the Savior and His Apostles and over time people would change many gospel principles and ordinances, and alter the organization of the Savior's Church. Why are there so many different Christina churches if they all believe in the Bible? > they all interpret the Bible and Christ's doctrine differently How can we know the Lord's true doctrine when there are so many ways io interpret the Bible? > Isaiah 29 prophecies and supports the Book of Mormon. GEM - DURING A PERIOD GREAT APOSTASY, PEOPLE WERE WITHOUT DIVINE DIECTION FROM LIVING PROPHETS AND APOSTLES Isaiah 29:1-14 The Lord said He would deliver the truth to the unlearned to overcome the effects of the Apostasy. The unlearned he spoke of was Joseph Smith. The Marvelous work and wonder Isaiah prophesied about is the Book of Mormon President Russell M. Nelson said: "Isaiah foresaw that do would do 'a marvellous work and a wonder' in the latter days . . . . That marvelous work would include the coming forth of the Book of Mormon nod the Restoration of the gospel." GEM - THE RESTORATION OF THE GOSPEL, INCLUDING THE COMING FORTH OF THE BOOK OF MORMON, IS A MARVELOUS WORK THAT CORRECTS FALSE TEACHINGS AND COUNTERS THE WISDOM OF THE WORLD Isaiah 29;15-17 The Book of Mormon would come forth when people seek to hide their works from God, and don't acknowledge His hand in their lives. Isaiah 29:22-24 V.22 Jacob's posterity in the latter days (the"house of Jacob" is the lord's covenant people - us) V.23 "fear the God of Israel" means to ave reverence and respect for God and HIs covenants, not be scared to death of Him. GEM - IF WE STUDY THE BOOK OF MORMON, IT CAN HELP UP TO HAVE JOYM REVERE GOD, AND UNDERSTAND TRUE DOCTRINE * Isaiah 30-35 Following "For the Strength of Youth" will help you be and stay worthy of entering the Temple. 30:1-3,7 Tells how the people rebelled: - they trust in Pharoah more than God Melany was reminded of Lot's wife turning to salt. 30:9-11 The parents are teaching children, but not righteous things. Elder Holland Quote: "Unfortunately, messengers of divinely mandated commandments are often no more popular today than they were in anciently. . . . "Sadly enough, . . . It is a characteristic of our age that if people want any gods at all, they want them to be gods who do not demand much, comfortable gods, smooth gods who not only don't rock the boat but don't even row it, gods who pat us on the head, make us giggle, then tell us to run along and pick marigolds" 30:12-14 If we continue to reject God we get punished. Melany: "If you're not following the prophet then you aren't really following anything." 30:15 Repentance brings safety - repentance will save us. 32-33 Something to think about . . . If you were to stand in front of God would you feel worthy? 32 - Prophecy of millenial reign of Jesus Christ 33:10-13 Prophecies of wicked people 33:14 Estuardo said: "People will "freak out" at the Second Coming" 33:15-16 Melany said it reminds her of the 3 monkeys: "see no evil, speak no evil, and hear no evil" President Uchtdorf said he keeps a pocket-sized copy of For the Strength of Youth right next to his Temple Recommend. This way he knows that if he is following it to his best abilities he is worthy of entering the Temple. * Isaiah 36-41 Learning how to build trust in the Lord. 36-39 Isaiah told the people of Judah they would be saved form the Assyrian army if they trusted the Lord. They followed the counsel and were spared, but then Isaiah prophesied the Babylonians would eventually capture and plunder Jerusalem. 40:1-2 Isaiah's purpose was to comfort the people by prophesying of the coming of Christ. 40:3-5 We were taught that we need to prepare for the Second Coming, remembering who prepared and taught the people about Jesus original coming prior to Jesus' baptism. > John the baptist. Isaiah used imagery to represent the Lord and man in the following scriptures. 40:6-8 the grass > the people; flower > leading to Christ 40:10-11 the Lord will the lead the people as a shepherd 40:12-15 balance us in His hands and the people are as a drop in a bucket 40:22-25 the people weren't rooted until the knew Christ.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Feast for 29 February through 4 March 2016

* Isaiah 1-2 Background on Isaiah - served as prophet for 40 years and is the most quoted prophetic scriptures. Parallelism - Heaven and earth listen. Imagery - v.3 1:5-9 Compares to bad Israelites 1:13-15 The Lord doesn't bless our grudging actions. 2:1-5 temples are established no fighting between nations * Isaiah 3-5 v.1-7 physical destruction and spiritual death Melany: "don't be a farmer" Nathan:"I try not to pay attention to my feelings and go with what's right" * Isaiah 6-9 First of all, up to this point Isaiah is not a prophet. 6:1-4 - v.1 Isaiah saw God, and he also saw the Lord's train filed the entire room. He saw a six-winged seraphim which was an angelic being (part human). 6:5 - He felt unclean in the presence of the Lord because he was overwhelmed by the sins of the people. 6:6-7 - Coal was taken as a symbol of cleansing. The seraphim said that Isaiah's sins were symbolic of peoples' sins and he had to be purged from those sins. 6:8 - Isaiah called to be prophet. 6:9-10 - The people rejected the message? they made their hearts fat and their ears heavy, and shut their eyes (they hardened their heart) 6:13 - Teil trees (this is an old names for lime trees that stand alone in a a ravine or on a hill), Abloom was hanging from an oak tree. GEM - AS WE ARE FORGIVEN OR OUR SINS, WE BECOME MORE WILLING TO DO WHAT GOD ASKS US 7:3; 8:1; 8:18 - Isaiah named his sons Shear-jashub and Maher-shalal-hash-baz (which is the longest word in the scriptures). Their names mean: Maher-shalal-hash-baz - (1)to speed to the spoil (destruction) (2) he hastens (3)destruction is imminent Shear-jashub - The remnant shall return. Isaiah - (1) The Lord is salvation (2) Jehovah saves Isaiah 9:12,17,21 Isaiah repeated the phrase > "His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still." This means God punishes for our wrong doings but also gives mercy trough the Atonement. If the people would turn to Him He was available to them. GEM - IF WE REPENT, THE LORD IS WILLING TO EXTEND HIS MERCY TO US AND FORGIVE US GEM - THE JUSTICE OF GOD DEMANDS PUNISHMENT FOR SIN, BUT THE ATONEMENT BRINGS THE PLAN OF MERCY TO APPEASE THE DEMANDS OF JUSTICE * Isaiah 10-16 During the Millennium Satan will be retrained. Ensign - an everlasting covenant in this dispensation. Joseph Smith restored the gospel. 11:11-12 Stem - House of Jesse (Jesus Christ)(Jesus was of the House of David) Rod - a servant (Joseph Smith) Roots - descendent of Jesse GEM - THE RESTORED CHURCH IS AN ENSIGN TO GATHER THE SCATTERED ISRAEL BACK TO THE GOEPSL OF JESUS CHRIST 13 - a similitude of the 2nd Coming GEM - WHEN THE LORD COMES AGAIN HE WILLD DESTROY THE WICKED, AND BE MERCIFUL TO HIS PEOPLE AND GIVE THEM REST