Scripture Mastery for this Week

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Feast December 7 through December 11 2015

* Joshua prepared Israel to enter Canaan. The Lord spoke to Joshua. He sent spies to Jericho where Rahab, the harlot, lived. She protected the spies when trouble came.

* 33 Kings were defeated. The land was divided between 9 1/2 tribes, but not the Levites. Caleb gives his daughter to his nephew to marry. Judah gets most of the land when it's divided. There is a refuge for accidental killings. There were 48 cities given tot he Levites. Joshua is old. He tells them not to marry Canaanites because they will not be protected. The Lord tells all that He has done for them. Joshua died. Eleazar died.

* Israelites were strong and united but didn't drive the people out. They worshiped false gods again. Rules the Israelites were given. (1) Israelites sin against the Lord. (2) Israelites are afflicted by their enemies. (3) Israel cry unto the Lord for deliverance. (4) Lord raises up judges who delivered the Israelites for their enemies.  Deborah, prophetess, who judged. Joel killed the general with a tent stake. The Lord was angry with the Israelites so he rested the land 40 years.

I really liked Mason's statement - "Don't sin!"

* The Children of Israel were delivered to Midian for 7 years. Midianites, Amalekites, Children of the East came against them. The Lord sent a prophet to answer their cries. Gideon is a man of Valor and will save Israel. He removes false idols and prepares for battle. He is also called Jerubbaal.  He has 30,000 men and the Lord said to reduce so he reduced to 10,000. Then the Lord said to reduce again but to only keep the men who lap the water like a dog. There were 300 who lapped their water.
Midianites fled> Gidianites pursued them. they had many years of peace. Gideon died. Abimelech, Gideon's son was made king. An assassin was paid 70 pieces of silver to kill 70 men. Jotham tells the Fable of the trees: Olive tree > not to leave his fatness.
                              Fig tree > forsake his sweetness and good fruits.
                             Vine > not to leave his wine.
                              Bramble > trust my shadow
Shechemites slay Abimelech.

* Israelites were bad again. They needed a righteous leader. Samson was a Nazarite and was given specific directions:
   don't shave his head, don't drink wine or strong drink,  don't touch unclean things. He desired a Philistine woman marry. He had great strength because of his hair and his wife told the men that.

Melany said basically to "Stay in your own lane"

Samson saw Delilah.

If we place our own desires ahead of the Lord's we night not have success.

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