Scripture Mastery for this Week

Friday, November 13, 2015

Feast of October 26 thru October 30 2015 - Exodus


* Moses was born while the Hebrews were slaves to the Egyptians, but because of an order to kill all male infants (much like he decree that was put out when Christ was very young - probably a toddler based on the scriptural account of the visit by the Wise men), his mother placed him in a covered basket then placed him in the bulrushes. Pharaoh's daughter found him and asked for her handmaid, whom was Moses' mother to be his nursemaid.

* As Moses grows he becomes a leader among the Egyptians and is respected by Raamses. Time passed and he became a prince. Eventually he spoke with God at the burning bush where God told him to remove his shoes because it was Holy ground. God wanted Moses to lead the children of Israel our of Egypt. He didn't feel like he was qualified because his speech was not good - he had a slight stutter, so the God told him to get his brother Aaron who was three years older to be his mouthpiece. And again we see a younger brother being called to lead over an older brother. It reminded us of Joseph Smith and Hyrum, Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, Ephraim and Mannaseh.  Aaron has a staff and the Lord tells Moses to throw Aaron's staff on the ground and it will turn into a snake to show the power of the priesthood. Moses follows the Lord's commands.

* Moses asks Pharaoh to let his people go but Pharaoh says no. This makes God  unhappy so he sends 10 plagues to Egypt. The rivers turn to blood; Frogs come; Lice come; Flies come; Cows die; People get boils; Hail storm; Locusts come; 3 days of darkness; Firstborn of Egyptians die. When the plagues end the people are told to place blood across the top of their door and the people would know to pass over them without stopping.

* Moses continued to ask Pharaoh to let the Children of Israel go. After the plagues he finally let them go. Moses and the Israelites headed toward the wilderness (of which they complained and said they would rather be slaves again than travel to the wilderness) but Pharaoh and his army were right behind them. They ended up trapped between the army of Pharaoh and the Red Sea. The Lord told Moses to raise his staff/rod and make a path for the Israelites to walk on - Moses did this and the Res Sea parted so they had ground to walk on. There was a cloud of darkness over the water and as the Israelites passed through the Red Sea on dry ground. The water was crashing down on Pharaoh's men. As the Israelite travel in the wilderness for 40 years they ate Manna every morning for breakfast (five days they had to eat their fill before the sun touched it or it would melt in the sun but the sixth day they could get enough for that day and the Sabbath). the bad water that came out of the rock was made drinkable also and the were supplied with quail to eat in the evenings.

Parting of the Red Sea and Mann from Heaven
    *  The children of Israel had finally been freed from Egypt by Pharaoh after much pleading by Moses and were traveling with Moses to get to the wilderness. However, Pharaoh and his army were following them with plans to attack. The children of Israel ended up between the Red Sea and Pharaoh with his army. Moses was told by the Lord to hold up the staff and command the Sea to part so they could travel through. Once they got through the Sea the Red Sea went back together with a vengeance on top of Pharaoh and his army. The Children of Israel had a difficult time finding food and water after getting to the wilderness. The Lord provided water for them, then he provided Manna every morning that they had to eat their fill of except on the sixth day of the week when they could take enough to make a meal for the next day as well - which was the Sabbath. Every evening quail were provided as their meat. They did this every day for 40 years.

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