* 23rd - Numbers 30-36
Vows and covenants. Children of Israel wanted to avenge the tribes. They made oblations to God. They made offerings - time, tithing, etc. Tribes of Israel camped on East side of Moab. Reuben and Gad were inheritance. Moses warned them that if they turned away from God His anger would increase.
Gem - We must help others obtain blessings.
Emily was impressive with her favorite scripture being D&C 64:10.
* 24th Deuteronomy 1-13
** Deuteronomy means repetition of law.
** Prototype means the original pattern or model something is based on.
** Shema is several scripture passages, from the first books of the Bible, which are written on parchment paper then rolled up and placed inside a tefillin or Phylactery and a Mezuzah and recited daily by Devout Jewish men. The Phylactery is worn on the forehead and the arm when reciting the prayers. The Mezuzah is hung on the door frame of the dwelling.
Deuteronomy contains Moses' final words to the Children of Israel before they entered Canaan with Joshua as their leader. Moses was a prototype of the Messiah. Moses' sermons were given about 40 years after the Children of Israel were brought out of Egypt. Deuteronomy contains three great final sermons and heartfelt pleas. Deuteronomy is the most quoted book of scripture by Old Testament Prophets and referred to almost 100 times in the New Testament.
The Children of Israel were reminded to keep the Commandments and remember that they had heard God speak to Moses in Sinai.
* The first discourse reminded them that the Lord had rescued them from Egypt and helped Moses part the Red Sea to save them from Pharaoh and his army.
* The second discourse reminded them that the Lord provided Manna for them to eat in the wilderness so they wouldn't go hungry.
* The third discourse reminded the children of Israel that when Moses came down from Mount Sinai he had to chastise them for worshipping a golden calf.
This is an Early Morning Religion class for youth from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who are in high school and live in the Smyrna and LaVergne TN area. We discuss the Old Testament including Moses and Abraham from the Pearl of Great Price, the New Testament incl. Joseph Smith-Matthew, the Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine and Covenants incl. Joseph Smith-History. Each of these four books of is covered in depth during the four years of high school. Visitors always welcome.
Scripture Mastery for this Week
Monday, November 23, 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Feast 16 November through 20 November 2015 - Book of Numbers
* 16th - Excellent beginning of the lesson taught by Hailey and Mason:
Hailey - (the Children of Israel were still in the wilderness)
When the people complained Moses went to the Lord. They were reminded of all the blessings
they did have - manna, fruits, and meat.
I loved Emily's interpretation "You want meat, I'll give you meat . . . so much meat
it's gonna spill out your nose."
At this time the Lord's anger was kindled and he caused a fire.
We found a great Gem - Failing to recognize our blessings can cause ungratefulness.
Mason - Moses was overwhelmed and the Lord told him to get help. He called 70 elders to assist
him. The Lord speaks to His prophets through revelation. He also appears to them. Sometimes He
appears to those who are not prophets, but who have pure hearts and inquire of Him through, such
as Joseph Smith. If we are spiritually prepared, we can receive revelation. Miriam and Aaron
were disobedient, thus Miriam was truck with Leprosy and was banished for a week. Thus we
see that the Lord does punish the disobedient.
* 17th - There were 12 spies. 10 were not very righteous and were told to explore Canaan and report what the saw. They saw that it was a land of milk and honey but they were afraid and wanted to go where it was safe. Joshua and Caleb thought the people could be defeated, that they were weak Giants. They had the Lord on their side. They noticed that the rebels were sneaking in. If we overcome fear the Lords will be with us.
Emily always has profound interpretations of the scriptures we discuss. She said Jesus was being an "angry mom".
* 18th - Ignorant sin is forgiven. willfull sin is cut off. "His iniquity shall be upon him".
Three rebels - Korah, Dathan, Abiram led 250 against Moses and Aaron. Moses told the congregation to leave the rebels because the Lord would consumed them with fire. Then Moses was told to leave because the Lord was going to consume the congreagation. Twelve rods with the names of the twleve tribes were placed out over night. The one that blossomed would show who was chosen to be a leader and would be a token against the rebels that the Lord pkeas to His people.
* 19th - Miriam dies. Then later Aaron dies. Children of Israel are still complaining - no water. Moses made water come out of a rock by tapping it twice with his rod. The Lord sent poisonous serpents (snakes) because the Israelites spoke against God and Moses. Moses made a brass serpent and placed it on top of a pole. He told the people they just needed to look at the brass serpent and they would be protected from the bites. Such simple instruction - and they didn't heed. It showed a lack of faith. They don't seem to ever learn.
* 20th - God told Balaam not to go, but if the men come to him then he may go. Balaam went on his own and angered God. He was asked to cursse the Israelites, but istead he chose to bless them. Balak is angered over Balaam's disobedience. The Chidlren of Israel wiwll rule over Moabites and the Savior is foretold will come. The Lord's anger is kindled because of the Israelites worshipping idols and the Israelites are slain. Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, slays Zimbri and Cozbi for adultery. 24,000 die from the plague. The people are given a covenant of peace. Inheritances are given. Son > daughter> brother> brother of brother> down to whatever kin is left. We are reminded of Joshua and Caleb being the two that were righteous and Joshua is given repsonsibility.
The Gem we found is that "We will earn a great inheritance with our Heavenly father if we will ignore the adversary's empty promises"
Hailey - (the Children of Israel were still in the wilderness)
When the people complained Moses went to the Lord. They were reminded of all the blessings
they did have - manna, fruits, and meat.
I loved Emily's interpretation "You want meat, I'll give you meat . . . so much meat
it's gonna spill out your nose."
At this time the Lord's anger was kindled and he caused a fire.
We found a great Gem - Failing to recognize our blessings can cause ungratefulness.
Mason - Moses was overwhelmed and the Lord told him to get help. He called 70 elders to assist
him. The Lord speaks to His prophets through revelation. He also appears to them. Sometimes He
appears to those who are not prophets, but who have pure hearts and inquire of Him through, such
as Joseph Smith. If we are spiritually prepared, we can receive revelation. Miriam and Aaron
were disobedient, thus Miriam was truck with Leprosy and was banished for a week. Thus we
see that the Lord does punish the disobedient.
* 17th - There were 12 spies. 10 were not very righteous and were told to explore Canaan and report what the saw. They saw that it was a land of milk and honey but they were afraid and wanted to go where it was safe. Joshua and Caleb thought the people could be defeated, that they were weak Giants. They had the Lord on their side. They noticed that the rebels were sneaking in. If we overcome fear the Lords will be with us.
Emily always has profound interpretations of the scriptures we discuss. She said Jesus was being an "angry mom".
* 18th - Ignorant sin is forgiven. willfull sin is cut off. "His iniquity shall be upon him".
Three rebels - Korah, Dathan, Abiram led 250 against Moses and Aaron. Moses told the congregation to leave the rebels because the Lord would consumed them with fire. Then Moses was told to leave because the Lord was going to consume the congreagation. Twelve rods with the names of the twleve tribes were placed out over night. The one that blossomed would show who was chosen to be a leader and would be a token against the rebels that the Lord pkeas to His people.
* 19th - Miriam dies. Then later Aaron dies. Children of Israel are still complaining - no water. Moses made water come out of a rock by tapping it twice with his rod. The Lord sent poisonous serpents (snakes) because the Israelites spoke against God and Moses. Moses made a brass serpent and placed it on top of a pole. He told the people they just needed to look at the brass serpent and they would be protected from the bites. Such simple instruction - and they didn't heed. It showed a lack of faith. They don't seem to ever learn.
* 20th - God told Balaam not to go, but if the men come to him then he may go. Balaam went on his own and angered God. He was asked to cursse the Israelites, but istead he chose to bless them. Balak is angered over Balaam's disobedience. The Chidlren of Israel wiwll rule over Moabites and the Savior is foretold will come. The Lord's anger is kindled because of the Israelites worshipping idols and the Israelites are slain. Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, slays Zimbri and Cozbi for adultery. 24,000 die from the plague. The people are given a covenant of peace. Inheritances are given. Son > daughter> brother> brother of brother> down to whatever kin is left. We are reminded of Joshua and Caleb being the two that were righteous and Joshua is given repsonsibility.
The Gem we found is that "We will earn a great inheritance with our Heavenly father if we will ignore the adversary's empty promises"
Friday, November 13, 2015
Feast of October 26 thru October 30 2015 - Exodus
* Moses was born while the Hebrews were slaves to the Egyptians, but because of an order to kill all male infants (much like he decree that was put out when Christ was very young - probably a toddler based on the scriptural account of the visit by the Wise men), his mother placed him in a covered basket then placed him in the bulrushes. Pharaoh's daughter found him and asked for her handmaid, whom was Moses' mother to be his nursemaid.
* As Moses grows he becomes a leader among the Egyptians and is respected by Raamses. Time passed and he became a prince. Eventually he spoke with God at the burning bush where God told him to remove his shoes because it was Holy ground. God wanted Moses to lead the children of Israel our of Egypt. He didn't feel like he was qualified because his speech was not good - he had a slight stutter, so the God told him to get his brother Aaron who was three years older to be his mouthpiece. And again we see a younger brother being called to lead over an older brother. It reminded us of Joseph Smith and Hyrum, Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, Ephraim and Mannaseh. Aaron has a staff and the Lord tells Moses to throw Aaron's staff on the ground and it will turn into a snake to show the power of the priesthood. Moses follows the Lord's commands.
* Moses asks Pharaoh to let his people go but Pharaoh says no. This makes God unhappy so he sends 10 plagues to Egypt. The rivers turn to blood; Frogs come; Lice come; Flies come; Cows die; People get boils; Hail storm; Locusts come; 3 days of darkness; Firstborn of Egyptians die. When the plagues end the people are told to place blood across the top of their door and the people would know to pass over them without stopping.
* Moses continued to ask Pharaoh to let the Children of Israel go. After the plagues he finally let them go. Moses and the Israelites headed toward the wilderness (of which they complained and said they would rather be slaves again than travel to the wilderness) but Pharaoh and his army were right behind them. They ended up trapped between the army of Pharaoh and the Red Sea. The Lord told Moses to raise his staff/rod and make a path for the Israelites to walk on - Moses did this and the Res Sea parted so they had ground to walk on. There was a cloud of darkness over the water and as the Israelites passed through the Red Sea on dry ground. The water was crashing down on Pharaoh's men. As the Israelite travel in the wilderness for 40 years they ate Manna every morning for breakfast (five days they had to eat their fill before the sun touched it or it would melt in the sun but the sixth day they could get enough for that day and the Sabbath). the bad water that came out of the rock was made drinkable also and the were supplied with quail to eat in the evenings.
Parting of the Red Sea and Mann from Heaven
* The children of Israel had finally been freed from Egypt by Pharaoh after much pleading by Moses and were traveling with Moses to get to the wilderness. However, Pharaoh and his army were following them with plans to attack. The children of Israel ended up between the Red Sea and Pharaoh with his army. Moses was told by the Lord to hold up the staff and command the Sea to part so they could travel through. Once they got through the Sea the Red Sea went back together with a vengeance on top of Pharaoh and his army. The Children of Israel had a difficult time finding food and water after getting to the wilderness. The Lord provided water for them, then he provided Manna every morning that they had to eat their fill of except on the sixth day of the week when they could take enough to make a meal for the next day as well - which was the Sabbath. Every evening quail were provided as their meat. They did this every day for 40 years.
* Moses was born while the Hebrews were slaves to the Egyptians, but because of an order to kill all male infants (much like he decree that was put out when Christ was very young - probably a toddler based on the scriptural account of the visit by the Wise men), his mother placed him in a covered basket then placed him in the bulrushes. Pharaoh's daughter found him and asked for her handmaid, whom was Moses' mother to be his nursemaid.
* As Moses grows he becomes a leader among the Egyptians and is respected by Raamses. Time passed and he became a prince. Eventually he spoke with God at the burning bush where God told him to remove his shoes because it was Holy ground. God wanted Moses to lead the children of Israel our of Egypt. He didn't feel like he was qualified because his speech was not good - he had a slight stutter, so the God told him to get his brother Aaron who was three years older to be his mouthpiece. And again we see a younger brother being called to lead over an older brother. It reminded us of Joseph Smith and Hyrum, Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, Ephraim and Mannaseh. Aaron has a staff and the Lord tells Moses to throw Aaron's staff on the ground and it will turn into a snake to show the power of the priesthood. Moses follows the Lord's commands.
* Moses asks Pharaoh to let his people go but Pharaoh says no. This makes God unhappy so he sends 10 plagues to Egypt. The rivers turn to blood; Frogs come; Lice come; Flies come; Cows die; People get boils; Hail storm; Locusts come; 3 days of darkness; Firstborn of Egyptians die. When the plagues end the people are told to place blood across the top of their door and the people would know to pass over them without stopping.
* Moses continued to ask Pharaoh to let the Children of Israel go. After the plagues he finally let them go. Moses and the Israelites headed toward the wilderness (of which they complained and said they would rather be slaves again than travel to the wilderness) but Pharaoh and his army were right behind them. They ended up trapped between the army of Pharaoh and the Red Sea. The Lord told Moses to raise his staff/rod and make a path for the Israelites to walk on - Moses did this and the Res Sea parted so they had ground to walk on. There was a cloud of darkness over the water and as the Israelites passed through the Red Sea on dry ground. The water was crashing down on Pharaoh's men. As the Israelite travel in the wilderness for 40 years they ate Manna every morning for breakfast (five days they had to eat their fill before the sun touched it or it would melt in the sun but the sixth day they could get enough for that day and the Sabbath). the bad water that came out of the rock was made drinkable also and the were supplied with quail to eat in the evenings.
Parting of the Red Sea and Mann from Heaven
* The children of Israel had finally been freed from Egypt by Pharaoh after much pleading by Moses and were traveling with Moses to get to the wilderness. However, Pharaoh and his army were following them with plans to attack. The children of Israel ended up between the Red Sea and Pharaoh with his army. Moses was told by the Lord to hold up the staff and command the Sea to part so they could travel through. Once they got through the Sea the Red Sea went back together with a vengeance on top of Pharaoh and his army. The Children of Israel had a difficult time finding food and water after getting to the wilderness. The Lord provided water for them, then he provided Manna every morning that they had to eat their fill of except on the sixth day of the week when they could take enough to make a meal for the next day as well - which was the Sabbath. Every evening quail were provided as their meat. They did this every day for 40 years.
Feast of 9 Nov. through 13 Nov. 2015 - Leviticus through Numbers 10
* Scripture Mastery
* We began the book of Leviticus, learning that two of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu were devoured by fire when the Lord it down for them disobeying the Lord. The Lord isn't pleased when we disobey. We learned clean things could be eaten and uncleaned couldn't be eaten.
* We learned that goats were used as a sacrifice and that because of the Atonement of Christ, He is our "scapegoat" for sins.
We also the learned the difference between burnt offerings and sin offerings:
Burnt offering is the whole animal.
Sin offering is the choicest part of the flesh.
* We finished the book of Leviticus learning that we can obey the Lord by keeping the commandments, we should love our neighbors, we should not shave our heads (except for medical reasons) nor mark our bodies by cutting or tattooing, we shouldn't get vexed (or angered) by people.
* We began the book of Numbers by learning about the Camp of Israel which was comprised of 603, 550 men from the 12 tribes of Israel. The Levites were the workers at the Tabernacle. To the North were the tribes of Naphtali, Dan, and Asher. To the East were the tribes of Zebulun, Judah, Issachar. To the South were the tribes of Simeon, Reuben, and Gad. To the West were the tribes of Manessah, Ephraim, and Benjamin. The each tribe had captains appointed to lead them. It was the pattern that Joseph Smith used when he organized the Camp of Zion with the Pioneers which is found in Section 136 of the Doctrine and Covenants.
* We began the book of Leviticus, learning that two of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu were devoured by fire when the Lord it down for them disobeying the Lord. The Lord isn't pleased when we disobey. We learned clean things could be eaten and uncleaned couldn't be eaten.
* We learned that goats were used as a sacrifice and that because of the Atonement of Christ, He is our "scapegoat" for sins.
We also the learned the difference between burnt offerings and sin offerings:
Burnt offering is the whole animal.
Sin offering is the choicest part of the flesh.
* We finished the book of Leviticus learning that we can obey the Lord by keeping the commandments, we should love our neighbors, we should not shave our heads (except for medical reasons) nor mark our bodies by cutting or tattooing, we shouldn't get vexed (or angered) by people.
* We began the book of Numbers by learning about the Camp of Israel which was comprised of 603, 550 men from the 12 tribes of Israel. The Levites were the workers at the Tabernacle. To the North were the tribes of Naphtali, Dan, and Asher. To the East were the tribes of Zebulun, Judah, Issachar. To the South were the tribes of Simeon, Reuben, and Gad. To the West were the tribes of Manessah, Ephraim, and Benjamin. The each tribe had captains appointed to lead them. It was the pattern that Joseph Smith used when he organized the Camp of Zion with the Pioneers which is found in Section 136 of the Doctrine and Covenants.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Feast for 2 Nov. thru 6 Nov. 2015
* As of General Conference in October 2015 we have 148 Temples in Operation; 14 under construction; and 11 have been announced. We are blessed by building temples. Moses and the Children of Israel were commanded to build a Tabernacle. Their Tabernacle was a portable one so they could take everywhere they went. They valued it as greatly as we value our temples today. The tabernacle and the temples are similar because they both are a house of the Lord where people can feel close to Heavenly Father and Jesus, but they have different functions. Their tabernacle and our temples both act as sanctuaries, which are holy places or places of safety. The Tabernacle consisted of The Most Holy Place(Holy of Holies) which was the location of the Ark of Testimony (commonly referred to as the Ark of the Covenant) and The Holy Place was the location of the Altar of Incense, the Candlestick, and the Table of Shewbread. These two rooms were separated by the veil. Outside these two rooms was the Laver, which was a water basin, and the Altar of Sacrifice. There was also and Outer Courtyard. There was a fence that surrounded the Tabernacle and it had a gate which opened up for entry and exit.
The symbolism: Candlestick (with seven lamps): The Light of Christ and the Holy Ghost
Table of shewbread: The Savior's body (similar to the symbolic meaning of the
Altar of sacrifice: Giving ourselves completely to God, giving up sin, and relying on
the great and last sacrifice of the Atonement of Jesus Christ
Altar of Incense: Prayer (we can approach God through prayer)
Laver (basin of water): Cleansing, such as through repentance and baptism.
Some of the ordinances required for exaltation can only be received in the the Temples.
* Moses blessed (consecrated) Aaron, his brother, to be a priest. Because Aaron was a priest he wore sacred clothing. It was described in great detail. The ephod which is an apron; the mitre which a cap; the breastplate which had twelve gems representing the 12 tribes of Israel with their names on it.
The Lord of uses symbols to teach or remind us of gospel truths. Items of clothing are sometimes used this way, especially in the temple. While God wanted the priests to be physically clean, their spiritual cleanliness was more important. The priests were set apart to perform their sacred duties in the tabernacle much like the temple workers today. In Exodus 29:43-46 God promised the Israelites:
He would meet them, He would sanctify them, He would dwell among them, He would be their God, and they would know He's God. The Lord prepares certain people to build the tabernacle.
Before the Lord finished speaking to moses on Mount Sinai He gave him an additional reminder. God told Moses to make stone tables and He would write His law on them.
* Moses had been on the Mount 40 days even though it wasn't until his seventh day there that the Lord actually did any thing. The people had begun to wonder if something had happened to Mose because he was gone so long. While Moses on the Mount, Aaron had the people bring their gold jewelry and he melted it down and made a golden calf idol. the people were riotus, unruly, and immoral. When Moses came down from the Mount with the tables in his hands, he was so angry at what he saw that he threw the table down on a rock a broke them in to pieces. Then he burnt the golden calf, crushed it to powder, and made the people drink it. He said that the people who wanted to follow him should come and stand with him. The sons of Levi stood by him.
Moses pleaded with Heavenly Father for the people. Because He did't participate in sin with the Children of Israel, he was worthy to be in the Lord's presence. He offered himself as an atonement for them. The Lord commanded Moses to create another set of tables and he would write on them again. The second set of tables had less on them. Israel was not given the Melchizedek Priesthood the second time. They only got to keep the Aaronic Priesthood because they were not ready for the higher law.
* Moses told the Children Israel to observe the Sabbath Day. Bezaleel and others were called to build the tabernacle. Israel brought there offerings to these workers. They are given instructions for setting up, equipping, dedicating for washing, anointing, clothing the priests to properly officiate.
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